Motorola Moto G - new budget smartphone champion?

The Xperia S was actually had a very good camera.

No-one's denying the value of this phone, I love it, but for you to say the camera is superb, is a little misleading I thought was all. But yes, great value. I've got one and bought two family members one.
Is anyone getting low or picking no signal at all when in your house?

Outside..all bars are full signal,Inside the house no bars at all,even when i go by the window..My old phone had no issues with signal in the house,neither does any of our other mobiles in the house?
So my mate is looking for a new phone to replace a wrecked iP 3GS, and I've suggested either the Moto G or a Nexus 4. N4 is interesting but he would prefer a new phone rather than second hand, so the Moto G looks like a great bet.

I've done a fair bit of looking around, and it seems that the cheapest way is a Tesco PayG MotoG for £99, with a £2 unlock code from Ebay. Does the Tesco variant get the Kitkat 4.4.2 update the same as the standard GPE from Phones4u for example? Is it going to be a nightmare finding stock at Tesco?

He's not fussed about changing ROMs, he has had a good play with my Nexus 5 over several different Roms and much prefers the stock Android over CyanogenMod for example, so that does save a bit of hassle with Bootloader unlocks and custom recoveries etc. It would be nice though to have it as an option in the future, does the Tesco variant have any problems with unlocking bootloaders and the like? It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to pay the extra £30 and get a standard o2 phone from P4U which should work with GiffGaff, but better with the £30 in his pocket if it's all good.

He was originally going to go for the Nexus 5 after having a good play with mine, but with money being a bit tight the MotoG seems like the perfect phone. He doesn't give a damn about the camera and the half an inch smaller screen is still going to be a huge upgrade from a knackered 3GS.
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I seem to be getting notifications saying 'new provisioning updates' relating to giffgaff settings. Anyone know how to stop these?
i am waiting for delivery tomorrow, ordered form, does the box come sealed?

also, which coloured shell do you recommend? i tend towards white but kinda bored of white...
Just got my mam one of these.
I'm extremely impressed by the build quality and screen for the price really.

It goes to show just how poor my Z1's panel is, resolution aside, I'd take the Moto G's screen each and every time.

Plus, stock android is awesome.
Anything up to 1.5 amps (and more than 0.5). I use the charger that came with my Asus Transformer which is rated at 1.2 amps and that works perfectly. Not much more than an hour to go from sub 10% to fully charged.

Not true about the minimum 500mA anymore, since updating to kitkat my moto g now charges fine on my 160mA trickle charger!! It did however refuse to charge properly on anything <500mA before the update (which is stupid!)
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my moto g doesnt charge on my plantronics 200mA charger, runs on 4.4.2....

That's strange:confused:
On Jellybean my moto g would start to charge on low current chargers (160-250mA) but once it got to around 30% it would simply stop :mad:
Since it has been updated to KitKat it now charges to 100% with the same low current charger :confused:
I guess it's the luck of the draw :confused:
Going to try my first custom ROM, this one looks good:

HALO: make windows move able and scale able
Custom Navigation Ring
Custom Navigation Bar
Custom CRT Animation
Mobile Network Battery Saver Mode
Advanced Battery Bar
Support Facebook Sync
App sidebar
Navigation bar with custom dimensions
Screen video recording
Configurable init.d
Build PropModder
Incoming calls dialog
RAM bar with custom colors
Builtin Xposed Framework
Xposed : Per-App Layout
Network usage stats
Audio : Stereo widening
Audio : Center frequency for Bass Boost
Active display (s-view alternative)
AD: Display Time out
AD: Turn Off Display
AD: Threshold to proximity
AD: Sort notifications by newest to oldest
AD: HUGE Fixes
mms: ios features
mms: Emoji and Smiley support
samsung kernel super charged
advanced low battery indicator options
LockScreen Notifications by AOSPAL
Lockscreen Blur
Silly question, when they say 4.5" screen size, were talking about from measuring from top left corner to bottom right hand corner right?

Also would people still go for a moto g over a HTC One X 32gig ?
Screen size is perfect for me any bigger I just don't like it.. 4.5" diagonol I think.

I've not tried the htc one x but I did have the one mini.. Moto g is best for the price great spec and its such a smooth and stable phone, battery is incredible.
Silly question, when they say 4.5" screen size, were talking about from measuring from top left corner to bottom right hand corner right?

Also would people still go for a moto g over a HTC One X 32gig ?

easily the moto g dude, onex is too old and i believe cannot compete with snapdragon 400.
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