So my mate is looking for a new phone to replace a wrecked iP 3GS, and I've suggested either the Moto G or a Nexus 4. N4 is interesting but he would prefer a new phone rather than second hand, so the Moto G looks like a great bet.
I've done a fair bit of looking around, and it seems that the cheapest way is a Tesco PayG MotoG for £99, with a £2 unlock code from Ebay. Does the Tesco variant get the Kitkat 4.4.2 update the same as the standard GPE from Phones4u for example? Is it going to be a nightmare finding stock at Tesco?
He's not fussed about changing ROMs, he has had a good play with my Nexus 5 over several different Roms and much prefers the stock Android over CyanogenMod for example, so that does save a bit of hassle with Bootloader unlocks and custom recoveries etc. It would be nice though to have it as an option in the future, does the Tesco variant have any problems with unlocking bootloaders and the like? It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to pay the extra £30 and get a standard o2 phone from P4U which should work with GiffGaff, but better with the £30 in his pocket if it's all good.
He was originally going to go for the Nexus 5 after having a good play with mine, but with money being a bit tight the MotoG seems like the perfect phone. He doesn't give a damn about the camera and the half an inch smaller screen is still going to be a huge upgrade from a knackered 3GS.