Motorola Moto G - new budget smartphone champion?

Well I think its a bit too privacy invading, for example on registering a new google account they want your full name and then mobile number

To be honest, I'm just glad I don't live with these worries/paranoia. In this day and age, it can't be fun.

Are you really bothered about Google asking for your mobile number? You think they wouldn't just take it if they really wanted it? You are using a phone with a SIM card in it running on their software after all.

I trust you don't have a Facebook account? (There's someone that will sell you info to anyone...) How about security camera's? Do you have a credit card?

Anyway, we're probably going rather off topic. I don't mean to have a pop, generally I find it quite interesting that people can think that way is all.
I seem to find my phone randomly going into airplane mode by itself sometimes. I think this is when it's in an area with low signal. Pretty annoying.
Just picked up a 16Gb from Rainforest for my Sister

I'm going to echo what everyone else has been saying on this thread. The phone is quite simply amazing - at the price it's a steal. As soon as I switched it on, there's the KitKat update waiting to be downloaded.

It's a super fast phone and if I didn't have a Nexus 5 I would definitely be tempted in getting one as I don't really care about the camera.

Great phone...
Just picked up a 16Gb from Rainforest for my Sister

I'm going to echo what everyone else has been saying on this thread. The phone is quite simply amazing - at the price it's a steal. As soon as I switched it on, there's the KitKat update waiting to be downloaded.

It's a super fast phone and if I didn't have a Nexus 5 I would definitely be tempted in getting one as I don't really care about the camera.

Great phone...

I bet it runs smoother than the LG G2 - man the stock ROM is bloated and fugly. I have the G2 on loan btw stoosh...great looking phone but the screen and software leaves me wanting.
I bet it runs smoother than the LG G2 - man the stock ROM is bloated and fugly. I have the G2 on loan btw stoosh...great looking phone but the screen and software leaves me wanting.

Way smoother Dude, considering it's using lesser hardware it actually shames the G2. Amazing how Moto have optimised the Moto G for use on a day to day basis.

Exactly why it put me off the G2, it's ugly and the micro stutters really used to annoy me. It's not as bad as Touchwiz though...

The screen's really dim on the G2 I don't know why, maybe they haven't calibrated it properly.

What do you make of the buttons on the back of the phone?
Reminds me I was reading a strange debate on another forum yesterday.... a few guys mentioned that Windows based phones are far superior to android and apple, they find the o/s much more slicker and faster.... even after installing many apps and more newbie friendly.

This is the first I have heard of such talk after hearing how awesome and moto g was, it was in reference to nokia Lumia 520 going for £60 and other nokia 6xx and above.

Do you guys think an windows based phone has a slicker and faster os then current Android ?
Reminds me I was reading a strange debate on another forum yesterday.... a few guys mentioned that Windows based phones are far superior to android and apple, they find the o/s much more slicker and faster.... even after installing many apps and more newbie friendly.

This is the first I have heard of such talk after hearing how awesome and moto g was, it was in reference to nokia Lumia 520 going for £60 and other nokia 6xx and above.

Do you guys think an windows based phone has a slicker and faster os then current Android ?

Hahahahhahahahahahha lololololololol can't tell if serious?
Funnily enough, I'm conducting a bit of an experiment as an Android device reviewer, I've just got hold of a Nokia Lumia 1520, I've cut my SIM down to a Nano today and I'll be trying to use it for a week. For me, it's rather scary! :)

The OS does seem very fluent and slick, the theme is held well through most apps but I find it a bit odd looking, all this lower case text and almost no lines...

Biggest issue is lack of apps. No proper Dropbox app for example!?
lol am not making up the bins scanning our mobile phones and reporting data usage news was posted on an ocuk thread last year

Enjoy throwing your litter and getting your nads fried....oh and your mobile scanned for info ;)

Maybe I read it too quick, but you'll have to point out where in that article it says bins are scanning your phone...

**EDIT** This article says it checks your MAC address -

That's still not taking any info from your phone though...
I ain't joking about that windows phones os being better then android os debate, read muffys first post here:

guys had 39 likes, and few other bods on there agreed with him...they did mention on that debate for newbies and general use windows os is better more "slicker" and easier.... was just interesting to read such a thing and differences of opinions.
Maybe I read it too quick, but you'll have to point out where in that article it says bins are scanning your phone...

**EDIT** This article says it checks your MAC address -

That's still not taking any info from your phone though...

That is a new one to me with more info, looks like the binned the idea in the end.

Come on it was lined up perfectly :p

Does not sound nearly as bad as getting your data or info, but checking or tracking? apples and oranges. Surprised no one mentioned that ocuk thread but was months ago posted and no I did not post at all in that thread I was too busy checking my own bin for devices... (j/k)

Obviously one cant live in a cave and has to use credit cards and give mobile and credit card info out, I was just suggesting why give up info when you don't need to..... and why not question why someone changes there terms and conditions and suddenly demands a mobile for thought indeed.
Or are they????

Anyway... love this phone - simply awesome for the price ;)

One slide from a May 2010 NSA presentation on getting data from smartphones – breathlessly titled "Golden Nugget!" – sets out the agency's "perfect scenario": "Target uploading photo to a social media site taken with a mobile device. What can we get?"
The question is answered in the notes to the slide: from that event alone, the agency said it could obtain a "possible image", email selector, phone, buddy lists, and "a host of other social working data as well as location".
In practice, most major social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, strip photos of identifying location metadata (known as EXIF data) before publication. However, depending on when this is done during upload, such data may still, briefly, be available for collection by the agencies as it travels across the networks.
Depending on what profile information a user had supplied, the documents suggested, the agency would be able to collect almost every key detail of a user's life: including home country, current location (through geolocation), age, gender, zip code, marital status – options included "single", "married", "divorced", "swinger" and more – income, ethnicity, sexual orientation, education level, and number of children.

Sneaky gits!!! Don't really bother me all that much though tbh the government can look at me all they want, I'll make sure I'll upload some pics soon of me giving the finger and a nice meme directed towards them.

Were the most watched country in the world to be honest cameras and facial recognition software are everywhere in London its not like this is new because we have smart phones company's governments have been collecting data for years.. The higher powers that be are in control.. And they want to control, everything.
I ain't joking about that windows phones os being better then android os debate, read muffys first post here:

guys had 39 likes, and few other bods on there agreed with him...they did mention on that debate for newbies and general use windows os is better more "slicker" and easier.... was just interesting to read such a thing and differences of opinions.

It all boils down to opinion at the end of the day.. For I've used iOS windows phone and android.. And the OS of choice for me is always going to be Android, Google have done an amazing job on Android since its launch and look how far its come? You don't even need a PC or laptop hardly now.. (Obviously for some tasks) its a fully fledged OS, the fact I can customize it to such an extent is superb, mods and custom ROMs, xposed framework so you can adjust in the inner workings of the OS, having complete root to the system.. Amongst the hundreds of other things..

Windows phone is a good idea and Microsoft are going somewhere with their new look, but its way too locked down and lacks features.. Since wp7 there has been minimal things added to its latest wp8 amber.. Everyone is different and some people obviously like the minimal and ease of windows phone... Where as me I like to have full control and be able to tweak and play around with my phone and it's software..

To me Android is years ahead of wp and now its getting further than iOS.
I ain't joking about that windows phones os being better then android os debate, read muffys first post here:

guys had 39 likes, and few other bods on there agreed with him...they did mention on that debate for newbies and general use windows os is better more "slicker" and easier.... was just interesting to read such a thing and differences of opinions.

dude what are you talking about? Muffy clearly proved that this phone is better than a Moto G, and he should know - his wife has a Lumia 620.

also, if you read between the lines it's clear from his post that Android is for idiots, so i won't be taking your advice!

A post from that link you posted from.hukd... Seriously lol the Lumia 520 is not even in the same league as the moto g.. And android oa for idiots? Clearly this guy is deluded.
Oh well I'll probably only have this phone a year.. Going at the rate tech is moving on mobile devices now there is always something bigger and better round the corner.
Plus custom ROM support will be there if updates are stopped.
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