Is a Nexus 5 2.5x as good as a Moto G?
I'm down to a choice between a Nexus 5, or a Moto G and a new monitor.
Oh for an SD slot in a Moto G...
Has the G got KitKat yet? And is Tesco still best?
I'm doing a 90 minute each way commute at the moment so music and other media is key.
I rushed over to apple hardware as soon as I saw that pic last night, it put my heart to rest somewhat when I read kona's entry.
Rest assured I'm still firmly with Android.
I got an unbelievable upgrade deal on my+mrs contracts and my iPhone is being sold as we speak.
Unlimited Mins + Texts
20GB 4G Data
£22.50 /m
Free iPhone 5S 16GB
Works out to £540 over 24 Months. That's with store discount and F&F.
Bought a Moto G after my S3 decided to brick itself, and I had just spent all my money on a Macbook Air.
I am stunned how good this phone is for 120 quid. Unbelievable.
Seems A LOT faster than my S3 (lack of Touchwiz etc bloatware I'm guessing?) even with all my apps back on
Screen seems to be great, again better than my 10 month old S3
Battery life also better, by a fair amount
AND I've just seen the submerged in water for 30 minutes video - and it worked perfectly!
I wish it had an SD slot though.