Motorola Moto G - new budget smartphone champion?

Sadly I will be moving away from the Moto G, It has been one of the best buys I've ever had.. fantastic phone, moving over to the HTC One and giving that a go..
Dunno yet, but will be a decent sized gaming monitor. Just need to decide if the money is there or dropped on a phone. The extra storage in the 5 might be key, I've got 30GBs of music on my phone at the moment :(
Is a Nexus 5 2.5x as good as a Moto G?

I'm down to a choice between a Nexus 5, or a Moto G and a new monitor.

not really it's not even twice as good the moto g is the best bang for buck out there and the nexus 5 is the second best but imo it's a large gap since it is as you say 3 times the money.
Oh for an SD slot in a Moto G...

Has the G got KitKat yet? And is Tesco still best?

Yes gets kitkat as soon as you turn it on, and Tesco is still cheapest I think (£2 to unlock it)

I find 16gb more than enough but then I don't store any music/films on it as I just use it as a phone and for quick photos.
I'm doing a 90 minute each way commute at the moment so music and other media is key.

Argh, dam you Apple and your by capacity pricing model!

*shakes fist*
Q. I don't have wireless at the moment if I got one of those bluetooth pc dongles could I sync it to my moto g and somehow use the internet ?

Need to do this kit kat and updates and more and already used up my data....
I'm doing a 90 minute each way commute at the moment so music and other media is key.

But even video would only be 2gig to fill 3 hours. Music would be around 300 meg. Why do you have 30 gig of music on your phone? When you go on holiday for a weekend, do you pack your entire wardrobe? :)
I rushed over to apple hardware as soon as I saw that pic last night, it put my heart to rest somewhat when I read kona's entry.

Good idea, I should've done the same instead of having kittens and freaking out about it lol


Rest assured I'm still firmly with Android.

I got an unbelievable upgrade deal on my+mrs contracts and my iPhone is being sold as we speak.

Unlimited Mins + Texts
20GB 4G Data
£22.50 /m

Free iPhone 5S 16GB

Works out to £540 over 24 Months. That's with store discount and F&F.

I'm glad you're still with Android Mate, that's an excellent deal too good to pass up. Hope you managed to sell that awful phone.... :D
When I first got the phone, battery life was exceptionally good. Now, after the KitKat upgrade and a few apps installed, it is awful. Barely lasting a day of light use. Need to investigate.
Just back from getting my third Moto G. Wife and both my girls have them now . Cheap phones are costing me a small fortune.
Oh don't get me wrong they all love them and I think they are a great buy got 2 @ £129 and the last one was £139.

So I got 2 S3's and a blackberry 9970 for recycling so I guess I will get something back :)
Bought a Moto G after my S3 decided to brick itself, and I had just spent all my money on a Macbook Air.

I am stunned how good this phone is for 120 quid. Unbelievable.

Seems A LOT faster than my S3 (lack of Touchwiz etc bloatware I'm guessing?) even with all my apps back on
Screen seems to be great, again better than my 10 month old S3
Battery life also better, by a fair amount
AND I've just seen the submerged in water for 30 minutes video - and it worked perfectly!
I wish it had an SD slot though.
More silly questions:

Any idea how to get that kitkat update option back? I use to get it all the time when switching on and off, then when I want it its vanished !

When I got to settings>about phone>system updates it says wifi only to upgrade?

Seems forced to be on wifi to update only.. and got no wifi, maybe gone to wrong option...
Bought a Moto G after my S3 decided to brick itself, and I had just spent all my money on a Macbook Air.

I am stunned how good this phone is for 120 quid. Unbelievable.

Seems A LOT faster than my S3 (lack of Touchwiz etc bloatware I'm guessing?) even with all my apps back on
Screen seems to be great, again better than my 10 month old S3
Battery life also better, by a fair amount
AND I've just seen the submerged in water for 30 minutes video - and it worked perfectly!
I wish it had an SD slot though.

This is a viable alternative
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