My Moto G probably would be empty too. Most of my battery usage is shown to be Android system and Android OS. Totally different profile from your screenshot. When I first got the phone, the battery life was incredible, now it is not good at all.
Why do you think that is? Just a quickly degrading battery or filling up cache with junk?
I'm regularly getting 6 days out of mine (wifi is connected to network, gps is 'active' on stock generic kitkat rom with art runtime set in developer section) before charging now so there has to be something in the background on yours Tuvoc or it's got a faulty battery. Maybe it's a widget, I had a couple on my nexus 7 which drained the battery quickly.
If not I'd take a guess at it being something like 'google search' or 'media server', I've had the media server one once and my battery drained in 12-24 hours... reboot fixed it though.
For reference after 3 days both my android os and android systerm are registering as 4% each, wifi is at 10% and mobile standby at 30%
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