Motorsport Off Topic Thread

Interesting on the autosport site that one of the points Hamilton is after for his contract is to keep the original trophy and not the replica the drivers then have to pay for. I imagine that he won't get his way there but they will pay for the replica?
When I went to the MTC on a tour last year they have all the trophies in the trophy cabinets outside the staff canteen and said the drivers have to give them up. Can't imagine if Senna couldn't get to keep his trophies Hamilton will!
When I went to the MTC on a tour last year they have all the trophies in the trophy cabinets outside the staff canteen and said the drivers have to give them up. Can't imagine if Senna couldn't get to keep his trophies Hamilton will!

Depends how much they want to keep Hamilton really...

Does sound like he's clutching at straws a bit for leverage in his contract negotiations now that the best other team he could have joined is full. Whats next, he demands orange squash instead of blackcurrant with his lunch or he's leaving? :p
When I went to the MTC on a tour last year they have all the trophies in the trophy cabinets outside the staff canteen and said the drivers have to give them up. Can't imagine if Senna couldn't get to keep his trophies Hamilton will!

Yeah I expect he knows that but I've read in the past that if the drivers want a replica they pay. If I was negotiating I'd ask for the original too and back down at a free replica :)

Didn't he have to win 3 titles to get a free Mclaren?

MS must have a separate house for all his trophies!
I didn't realise til just now reading pitpass that DiResta parted company with Hamilton Snr. Hopefully that's him finished as a driver manager now :D
Hamilton has several of the original trophies iirc. First win, first monaco off the top of my head.

As well as the original trophy going to McLaren, the steering wheel of the car that got the podium is also retired and is labelled up and stored. At £40k each, thats an expensive prospect if they have another season like 1988 - 25 podiums. :D

And yes, he gets the prototype McLaren F1 LM as a present for his 3rd World Championship. Who wouldn't want one of them? Especially in papaya orange. :D
The 2014 rules are significantly different for KERS though.

Rather than a limited button press for a set amount of time, they have a maximum amount of energy they can use per lap. How they use it is up to them. They can store it up and use it 'push to pass' style, or set it to be used evenly throughout the lap in acceleration zones, or a bit of both. I also assume they will be able to adjust how they use it throughout the race, so it opens up some interesting possibilities.

But yeah, where its really usefull is endurance racing.
Agreed. For F1 they'd be much better binning it for 2014 and just going with a button that gives extra boost. Same end result, lighter and less complicated.

Erm that is KERS? Are you thinking of DRS?

KERS is great - personally they should completely de-restrict it. Use as much power as you can possibly harness over a lap. If that means solar panels all over the car then go for it!
Lets push the tech to the limit as unlike insanely precise aero it is really really going to benefit road cars.
Erm that is KERS? Are you thinking of DRS?

KERS is great - personally they should completely de-restrict it. Use as much power as you can possibly harness over a lap. If that means solar panels all over the car then go for it!
Lets push the tech to the limit as unlike insanely precise aero it is really really going to benefit road cars.

I don't dislike KERS as a concept, but I can't help thinking that all that happens is the car in front saves it up for when the car behind is closest, and the car behind saves it up for when the car in front is closest, and it cancels itself out.

Now if the two cars are very close at two points in a lap, and the guy in front uses at one point, with the car behind using it at the other, we get some interesting tactics, and potentially extra overtaking. But combined with DRS you don't get that flexibility. Everyone in danger of overtaking or being overtaken must use their KERS in the DRS zone.
Erm that is KERS? Are you thinking of DRS?

KERS is great - personally they should completely de-restrict it. Use as much power as you can possibly harness over a lap. If that means solar panels all over the car then go for it!
Lets push the tech to the limit as unlike insanely precise aero it is really really going to benefit road cars.


DRS can stay. I like it.
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