Mountain Biking

I thought that mostly chain drops came from poorly adjusted gears, or using bad gear combinations. Check alignment on the cog it is dropping from, and does it happen mostly in a certain gear combo?
Do any of you fellow bikers have those snap crackle and pop sounds in your knees?

I get knee noise but no pain - waiting on x-ray results as a precaution - I read online you shouldn't ignore the rice crispies knees so went to my GP.
Yes! Painful here though, they also give way underneath me too sometimes. Hilarious but funny sometimes.. waiting Physio appt.

It's a mixture of dry cartilage and weak muscles around the knee due to poor form from runing and shoes.
My doc is predicting physio for me - she thinks it's tight quads and some hip muscle going to sleep.

Physio will fix you up, till then there's always ibuprofen! :p
I bought my bike with what I thought was 34T and 11-36T cassette and found that some climbs were just horrible. It wasn't till I came to fit a new XT cassette 11-36T and a 40T Hope T-Rex that I realised I had been running an 11-32T cassette all along!

Part of me wonders if I needed the T Rex at all! Only time will tell when I get out to Sherwood in 2 weeks.
Really? Oh ****... Mine have been snap crackle and popping for over a decade... Might give the doc a call.

Uh oh, you shouldn't have just ignored it - your cartilage could be ground down to dust :p. Get checked. :)

Fingers crossed its just muscular for us all - physio I can live with, surgery I want like a hole in the head.
When are you dropping chains? A clutch mech will help. But if it's on climbs, then there's probably something else at fault.

When things get really rough on descents when there is plenty of chain slap, never on climbs though you have made me think to check my limit screws on the front derailleur. I might be able to get away with it having less travel.

rhysduck, The bike is only 10 months old, done only 600km on it so not that far (summer is for road, winter is for offroad!).
I appreciate they're a small business but bird need to expand. I've bought an aeris if they weren't ouf of stock for months. Hate to think how much business they're losing due to lack of supply.
No, they're bringing out new versions of the Zero - Zero TR and Zero AM.

edit: or did I misunderstand your question?

I *think* he meant that they seem to be bringing out a lot of hardtails... when will it stop?

I agree, though, that their supply chain management is awful. Especially since it's 6 months+ since they got to the very very end of their first lot of Aeris pre-order frames.... I know this because I got the last black one. And the only other option they had was yellow in a Large.
I *think* he meant that they seem to be bringing out a lot of hardtails... when will it stop?

I agree, though, that their supply chain management is awful. Especially since it's 6 months+ since they got to the very very end of their first lot of Aeris pre-order frames.... I know this because I got the last black one. And the only other option they had was yellow in a Large.

Yeah that their brining out a lot in a short space of time...

Another full sus seems inevitable soon.
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