I had a lesson with Max from Endeavour coaching back in May.
Basically I was trying to jump forwards on the bike, but that's not necessary. The suspension pretty much launches you into the air, once you load it up and go up a ramp.
Sort of push the back wheel into the launch ramp with your bodyweight forwards (as if you're doing a manual) then do as if you're doing a standing jump, straight upwards... not exactly the same, but a similar sensation, if that makes sense. Don't try to scoop the back wheel up like you do with a bunny hop. Maybe that's what you're doing?
Then the bike goes airborne, does a perfect arc in the air and lands on the downslope, nice and softly, and you soak up it up with your legs. So easy when you get it right... I just don't always
Also, stop pedalling a bit before the jump, to give you time to get set up, cranks level, weight in the right place... stable. Makes a massive difference. If you're not stable you'll go sideways, or end up pulling the front wheel up with your arms...
At least, you do if you're me.
Don't suppose anyone's doing the funduro on Sat at Hamsterley are they?