Mountain Biking

Mexican elk standoff on this afternoons ride.
Fort William World cup tickets just went on sale!
Weekend pass bought, bring on June!
Still got to arrange where we're going to stay...
New addition to the stable.

I've been meaning to get something that i dont have to push to the top for a while, this popped up in my FB notifications the other day, I thought **** it! why not!
Stuck the breaks from the big bike on there, as the DH bike will be out of action for the next couple of months, whilst it gets full bearing/pivot hardware, rear axle, and respray. It also received a Hope 40t T-Rex expander, 30t N/W, XT cassette, chain and fresh cables. it still needs a proper front brake mount (ordered) as its bodged at the moment and dropper post needs servicing (Service kit ordered).

Had it up Hammers on Sunday.
it gets up the hills, not elegantly but it'll get me to the top.
Maybe i'm just used to long and slack but crikey it can turn on a pin head, havnt felt somthing to direct and responsive on the corners in a while, I'm used to a big long sluggish limo.
To say its playful would be an understatment, just makes me want to "Jib" off every rock, stump, root or mound in sight.
It likes back wheel!!! slight pull of the bars and shes away, never felt a bike quite like it!

All in all i liken this bike to an ADHD ASBO child with tourettes, funny, mental and out to cause trouble!:D
Calibre Bossnut can be had for about £850 right now on Go Outdoors if anyone is looking for a bargain entry Full Susser.

I'm tempted to get credit card out.
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Got it for £450, so couldnt grumble for the condition it was in, you'd be mistaken for thinking it had never been ridden.
I had the Norco Range carbon, but swapped that for the Gambler as i missed having the DH bike.
Came off this morning at about 20mph on a downhill section on the way to work. Went over a jump and the front wheel just got caught up on the earth banking at the side as I landed, just dragged me down with great whack to my forearm.
Josh Bryceland - dont listen to claudio brother! i havent retired

Brilliant. The season just wouldn't be the same without some RAT!
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