Mountain Biking

Ordered a new bike today... Tap tap tap... Come on!! :p:D

It's an XL funnily enough, I'm 6ft 3in and technically on the border between XL and L but for me it's XL every time. Modern bikes have low stand overs and are long, if you can find the geometry on that bike we might be able to tell you why it feels like it does.
Funnily I tried an XL santa the other week, and it fitted perfectly. Too small and it would've been a bit cramped. I'm 6ft too.


XL, very long but not too high
it is massive, only just fits on the roof rack,
only ridden it once so far, seems to fit me!
Damn that's long! I don't think a bike with that geometry would fit in my car without having to take both wheels off! What is it? I can't quite make out what the logo says.

Re: Bike sizing. I'm 5'10 with short legs, ride a medium bike currently but next will definitely be a large providing the standover/seattube is low enough. 6'2 with 34" would look like a giant on a medium bike imo! Will depend on the bike ofcourse, as they vary manufacture to manufacture.
Ordered a new bike today... Tap tap tap... Come on!! :p:D

It's an XL funnily enough, I'm 6ft 3in and technically on the border between XL and L but for me it's XL every time. Modern bikes have low stand overs and are long, if you can find the geometry on that bike we might be able to tell you why it feels like it does.

I haven't a clue on the Geo of it to be honest. I did 25 miles on it through the forest and sand dunes last week. it completely wiped me out. On road it feels fine but I cant man handle it when the going gets rough.
So Evans Cycles offer 48 hour tests of e-bikes but only 15 minute "no off road allowed" tests for all other mountain bikes.

How the hell are you supposed to make a decision to buy an expensive bike based off just riding it round a car park? Admittedly I did that with my current Voodoo Bizango but I was only dropping £400..
If you want a proper test, you need to attend demo days, most decent trail centres have them regularly, it's just a case of finding one that has the bikes you want to try. The 15min parking lot test is more just to confirm sizing is right.

That is beautiful!

How's it ride? Notice the weight? Assuming it's quite heavy (steel, right?).

Only had one rider at Windhill so far, and it was pretty wet AND I have not ridden much lately due to bad weather and a baby but it seemed good! the length made it feel really stable and the extra travel made it feel pretty smooth
going to try Tidworth on it this weekend so that will be a better test

It is steel but doesn't feel heavy at all when riding and TBH I dont think its that heavy anyway (comparatively), my Banshee Spitfire was pretty overbuilt anyway so if i remember correctly there isnt much difference between the two
Only had one rider at Windhill so far, and it was pretty wet AND I have not ridden much lately due to bad weather and a baby but it seemed good! the length made it feel really stable and the extra travel made it feel pretty smooth
going to try Tidworth on it this weekend so that will be a better test

It is steel but doesn't feel heavy at all when riding and TBH I dont think its that heavy anyway (comparatively), my Banshee Spitfire was pretty overbuilt anyway so if i remember correctly there isnt much difference between the two

Lovely, I'll be tempted by the max version or the switche9r come new bike time.

Anyone used any of the Maxxis WT tyres? Just got some 30mm rims, and tempted by either a High Roller or DHRII upfront and keep a Minion SS on the rear (because it's the best rear tyre ever) but sadly they don't do a WT. No HR in WT either. So it's really DHF or DHR2.

Or of course I can wait it out and get an assguy :p
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Hey guys.

I wanted to ask for help in finding mountain bike bib shorts. I own bibs for road cycling, but I don't really want to wear those under baggies, as I feel like I might be too warm. Are there any mountain bike specific liner type bibs that are pretty thin and also have securing points for attaching to baggies?

Another thing: I am looking to buy myself my first mountain bike in a while for trail riding and general exploring in the Chilterns. I'm looking at the new Stumpjumper but need to make a decision between the 27.5 and 29 inch versions. I'm a short guy at 5 foot 4, so not sure which one would end up being best. I understand that 29s are meant to roll faster and be slightly more stable, whereas 27.5s are meant to be more maneuverable. Anything else that could affect my decision?

Any help is appreciated thanks
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I have been mountain biking for over 20 years now and road biking for a good few years as well now. I used to wear "flappy" shorts for mountain biking and various looser jerseys. Since taking up road biking as well I found that normal road cycling bib shorts are far more comfortable for mountain biking and I also wear better fitted jerseys now which means nothing is flapping about in the wind or at speed. Its really just whatever you prefer, I tend to ride natural trails rather than bike parks.

For the wheel size, roughly speaking 29" wheels roll over the trail better and give you more grip going uphill, the downside is they can be a little less manoeuvrable and take a little more effort to get up to speed. Smaller wheels like 27.5" tend to be more manoeuvrable and faster reacting, the downside is you get less traction and be knocked around by the trail more. That being said while the difference is noticeable, personal preference plays a big part. Being 2m tall I found my current bike with 29" wheels fitted me perfectly and suits my riding style, I am not bothered about doing huge jumps etc. You may find being a bit shorter that a bike with 27.5" wheels suits you better as it feels better in proportion to your body. Do some test rides to confirm.
My main concern with baggies over bibs is being too warm - hence looking for some thinner bibs or ones that are dubbed a liner but still comfy. I don't really want to ride around on trails in my best Assos bibs if I'm honest.
Pretty much as above regarding 27.5 Vs 29 - I'm coming back to MTB's from a 15 odd year gap, I was on 26" wheels back then.

I've ridden a few bikes and have decided on 27.5" wheels. For me they are much more manoeuvrable and much more responsive in corners, in tight, twisty trails they turn easier, they're also a bit more playful. Lastly they are easier to get up to speed.

29ers roll better, will keep momentum much better than 27.5 wheels, and (if you have fitness to keep them up to speed) they'll be faster. However they turn slower and are harder to get back up to speed if you drop off the pace.

One thing I'll say, is that 27.5" wheels with 'plus' size tyres, i.e. 2.5-3.0 tyres is a brilliant combination - the radius is bigger making then roll more like 29ers and the grip levels are brilliant. The first thing I'll be doing on my new bike will be seeing if a set of 2.5 wide trail or 2.6 tyres will fit.

You need to ride a couple of bikes to see what you prefer, but neither is better - they're just slightly different :D

I'm 6ft 3 and prefer 27.5, there are short riders who prefer 29ers so height has no bearing.

As for shorts, loads of MTB sports come with removable liners, they're normally basic thin lycra shorts with the padded crotch/arse area. Just don't go full lycra unless you're doing an XC race :D
I have a 26" XC hard tail from the mid 1990's which is kept at the in laws abroad. It has 26" wheels, v brakes , 3 x 8 gearing and an elastomer fork. I take it up through the forestry into the mountains near to them and it is a very different bike to ride compared to current bikes. It is very upright, has a very wide range of smooth changing gears once you adapt back to 3 x 8 but no disk brakes means you have to be careful with the speed. The biggest difference to my current 29" xc hardtail is you really get knocked around by the trail if you are not careful but it is fun to ride.
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