Mountain Biking

One goes on the L and the other goes on the R. Similar to your hands :D

Yeah... but I mean why upside down? I think I've tried both, and preferred it upside down - is that what you meant? It's just in a more natural sort of position, having a RH button on the left?
Yea, if you had it upside down, then it was a RH lever, that's put on the left hand side of your bars.

I don't get why they even make them so they go above the bar, don't think I'd be able to reach it naturally if I had mine above it like it was designed to. Before I knew it was a trick, and got my first didn't even cross my mind that I mounted my RH lever "incorrectly" under the left. The proper way just seemed far too unnatural.
also when you flip your bike upside down they get broken / ripped off if you put them on the correct way

= under bar mounted FTW!

ordered some brendog pedals for colourmatching too :D
just need the slick graphics for my pike to make it stealthyy
I might be up for that, will let you know what the rest are up to... think Shaun wants to go try Tidworth.

ps: You're not welcome to come along, if your username is named after that boyband?
One goes on the L and the other goes on the R. Similar to your hands :D

Begbie: Jono is my height (177cm ish), think you're about 183cm (6ft) odd ? That would make you 150mm territory.

Begbie, any comment on this?
I *think* 125mm will be ok for me; my legs are not very long at all... But that said, I don't want to be annoyed at having one that's too short :)
Coal Not Dole
Wibbly Wobbly
Vicious Valley

Theres loads more on there I uploaded but I dont know how to edit or put music and stuff in.

Back brake sounds so awesome due to fork juice
Yeah... but I mean why upside down? I think I've tried both, and preferred it upside down - is that what you meant? It's just in a more natural sort of position, having a RH button on the left?

Speaking of armpump I'm thinking of getting some ergon grips as standard grips are to small - any experience and where could i buy some online?
Claim benefits and ride all day!

Merthyr was on a tv show called skint. I know tv makes things look how they want you to see it and it looked terrible.

Offset bushes fitted and chainguide/tensioner back on after narrow wide clutchness let me down 3 times.

Kevlar pads to be ordered and i want some monarch volume spacers if someones got some knocking around. Far too linear on fully open.
Merthyr is the biggest crap hole ive ever been too and I live 20 mins away from there :p

But trust me on this, you live close to BPW and you will get fed up of it. I aint been for months nor do I want to, especially what they charge these days!
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