Mountain Biking

Dat black, I wish I'd went black :/

Looks awesome Jono :)

I'm hella pleased with it, I must say.

I was after an orange one, originally, but then Dave said he'd found a black one in the warehouse. I thought it would be the gloss black (which looked a bit council) that was on a frame on the floor of their workshop, but then he said it was the stealth black version, and I could only find one tiny photo of the finish on the web but that was enough to convince me :)
Your photo makes it look better than any other photo they have. I don't understand why their website is so poverty. A better layout/design would attract more customers (also make buying easier).
Good day out at Aston today, came off on both the red runs, roots got the better of me. Then did 2 runs of the surface to air. Good fun, although I took chicken run on one of the drops :eek:
Definitely :D (If you don't mind the occasional wait for me to catch up)

Sounds like a plan, you organising it? ;)

If there's sufficient interest, then yep I don't mind arranging it. :)

Would people prefer a separate thread in sports arena for it?

Happy to wait at the bottom of the trail for anyone... I have a wife who rides, I'm used to it ;)

Will have to have a look at the diary tonight and see what weekends I've got free in July/August.
At present, the only weekend I'm busy is the first weekend in July (4/5th).
How competent is your wife? Maybe I can convince my other half to come along too :)
If it's the creaking, it will most likely be the CSU that's doing it.

It may mean a couple of things:
1: You'll get a brand new Pike
2: You might wait blinking ages for Fishers to get it in stock

My money is on number 2 haha
At present, the only weekend I'm busy is the first weekend in July (4/5th).
How competent is your wife? Maybe I can convince my other half to come along too :)

She's fairly competent skills-wise, as long as wheels remain on the ground. Confidence-wise, she could be a much better/faster rider if she just... went for it a bit more!

This was from Monday, showing a cracking attack position. (for her) Well pleased with this, I just want to see it over everything now! :p

hmm so finished the banshee last night
fitted my shock to it with the new spacers and all seemed good


the rear spacer fits in far to easy to my ccdb inlines eyelet (compared with the other one) and it feels like its causing play when you rock the bike on the brakes (thought it was headset but dont thing so now) cc website says single pivot can be harsh on the DU eyelet bushings on one side

ive ordered some polymer (better than steel?) eyelet bushings and a tool from ebay so am hoping that fixes it
anyone done this before ? easy fix thats just normal or is my expensive shock ruined forever?

only other thing is some of my cables etc are a teeny teeny bit long but CBA to faf with shortening them so MEH
If it's the creaking, it will most likely be the CSU that's doing it.

It may mean a couple of things:
1: You'll get a brand new Pike
2: You might wait blinking ages for Fishers to get it in stock

My money is on number 2 haha

Just some sorta feedback would be nice "we've got your fork and....."

I would prefer just new csu as the forks were only serviced not long back and have better seals than stock. But wouldnt complain if got complete new, just want a rideable bike!
Poly bushes are supposed to be better than standard brass du. I fitted poly bushes to my canyon after it killed the old du's and hardware and the poly has lasted longer.

Also poly gear is tooless fitting compared to brass.
Interesting day up Fort William today, bit of fun on the lower Hill, reds and blues, first time I've tryed the xc stuff, Sky news were up filming, got us to play on the bottom part of the dh track for some footage for this afternoons news report, nothing exciting just down the elevator drop into the finish arena, no idea if they will show it but fun nonetheless.
What was the top like?
Looks like there was quite a bit of snow around on some of the photos they posted on facebook?
Didn't go up, just fannied about at the bottom, I was with a group, the majority of which would have needed a helicopter ride to raigmore had they attempted the big red or the dh course. Top of the hill had a lot of snow, but the snowline was still above the tracks.

World Cup setup is in full swing!
I'm going up there Friday night for a weekend of bike-watching. Hoping this promised heatwave extends far enough up the country to at least be warm!
Had the bike out for the first time this year due to injury last year. Rode the old Railway line at the back of my house. Can be fun at times when it narrows as there are big gaps in the sleepers. Knee is a little sore now but nice to get out on the bike again..

A couple of phone pics.

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