MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Dowie - it's really not the same thing. The context and intended impact of that statement cannot be compared to moaning mums posting on a forum. Just look at the wording.
Who in this discussion classed that as a fine thing to say?

No-one in this discussion that I'm aware of thankfully. However I'm sure if you dug out the thread on that issue you'd find some people were defending it. In any case, I was really referring to Goldsmith's University and the Police/CPS who decided it was a fine thing to say.
I once heard a mother saying she could 'kill' her toddler after he was misbehaving - do you think I should take the statement at face value and call social services?

I think you're missing the point. I don't suppose Mr. Ferguson would actually want to see people hung, I do think that this is the kind of rhetoric that motivates people like Mair. Do you not see what he said as the same as what Ferguson said? Do you not see a difference between publishing a leaflet suggesting a class of people should be hung, and a frustrated woman venting?
Frankly after 2 people have pointed out your duplicity on this thread you're as shameless as n11k posting here.

You mean wrongly pointed out, they and you have that opinion all because I start this thread and the Orlando one.

Silly children.
Dowie - it's really not the same thing. The context and intended impact of that statement cannot be compared to moaning mums posting on a forum. Just look at the wording.

The point was simply that the statements were not intended at face value, that is the case in both examples.
I think you're missing the point. I don't suppose Mr. Ferguson would actually want to see people hung, I do think that this is the kind of rhetoric that motivates people like Mair. Do you not see what he said as the same as what Ferguson said? Do you not see a difference between publishing a leaflet suggesting a class of people should be hung, and a frustrated woman venting?

I'm not talking about that difference though I'm highlighting that the statement isn't intended at face value and as far as someone like Mair is concerned, a delusional person with mental issues, the fact he opposes what some people stand for is probably enough - it certainly is in various other forms of terrorism.
I once heard a mother saying she could 'kill' her toddler after he was misbehaving - do you think I should take the statement at face value and call social services?

Even if someone did say that, you can infer all sorts of things and make many other assumptions. Post natal depression, a child that's acted up for hours, no sleep for parent or child, parent may be unwell but has no support network for the kids... All sorts of mitigating circumstance for someone that hasn't chosen to be the mouthpiece of a racist organisation and speak to the media as such.

You having overheard something is not the same as an official statement to the media.
It is not my opinion that a terrorist is defined as: "a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims."

If you think dictionary definitions are "my" opinion then you have simply again proved you are suffering from cognitive issues because you are suggesting that results from Google are somehow fed by my opinion, which is completely and utterly illogical.

More waffle, oh and there is that word again above.

Listen, you have been outed before in other threads about how you think you are so much more intelligent than other people on here and you even post that you are, do you not understand that when anyone reads your posts on how you think of yourself and the fact you even post you are vastly superior then there is probably one word that comes to their mind?

I'll let you figure out that 4 letter word Socrates.
Have these so called multiple witnesses showed their face's since?

I'd imagine the police will be interviewing them as it is a priority line of enquiry. Though unsurprisingly I don't have inside knowledge of the witnesses at the scene, just what has been reported. Are you still doubting right wing connections at this point?
Even if someone did say that, you can infer all sorts of things and make many other assumptions. Post natal depression, a child that's acted up for hours, no sleep for parent or child, parent may be unwell but has no support network for the kids... All sorts of mitigating circumstance for someone that hasn't chosen to be the mouthpiece of a racist organisation and speak to the media as such.

You having overheard something is not the same as an official statement to the media.


You're kidding me - why would you infer anything like that - the most obvious explanation is she's simply speaking metaphorically just as the UKIP politician was.

You're kidding me - why would you infer anything like that - the most obvious explanation is she's simply speaking metaphorically just as the UKIP politician was.

I'm saying there are all sorts of scenarios that could lend themselves to a parent saying that in a 1:1 scenario, and none of them equate to saying it in an official communication.

I think it's disingenuous to try to equate the two. One of them displays hate, the other indicates stress.
I'd imagine the police will be interviewing them as it is a priority line of enquiry. Though unsurprisingly I don't have inside knowledge of the witnesses at the scene, just what has been reported. Are you still doubting right wing connections at this point?

Up until he was in court the evidence was dubious at best - your gloating and politicising of that woman's death is sickening - I bet you dine out on this for your pathetic internet arguments for years. Shameful.
Up until he was in court the evidence was dubious at best - your gloating and politicising of that woman's death is sickening - I bet you dine out on this for your pathetic internet arguments for years. Shameful.

Whereas your care for the loss of Jo has been for all to see.
Ignoring the facts as they have unfolded to assert your own position.

take the log out of your eye before commenting on the spec in mine.

I didn't cause this death to be political, which it clearly is.
Whereas your care for the loss of Jo has been for all to see.
Ignoring the facts as they have unfolded to assert your own position.

take the log out of your eye before commenting on the spec in mine.

What 'position'? This is an Internet forum - get some perspective. I suppose at least you admit to dining out and gloating. :rolleyes:
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