Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

I won't post any pics as I'm fairly sure you all know what a Hubsan X4 looks like, but here are a few thoughts.

First off, I was expecting a toy. Something like those little 2 channel Silverlit helis - couldn't be more wrong. It's sturdy, feels well made, and feels like it could take a bump. It's not the most impressive finish I've ever seen but that's not what this is for so doesn't bother me in the least. The controller unfortunately does feel like a toy but so far no issues with it and it's light which is great. The little LCD is a bit pants but once the quad is all set up, you don't look at it much so it's nothing to worry about.

I must comment on the manual for this, it's honestly one of the worst manuals I've ever had for anything I've ever bought. They would've done better to say "go online and google stuff, this book is for decorative purposes only". Looking past the usual spelling errors and grammatical slips, the info is about as useful as a car manual saying "use the spanner to change the tyre" in the flat tyre section.

No biggie however as there are lots of videos and guides online for this exact model.

Calibration of the controller had me stumped a bit but I soon found out that I'm using a slightly newer model than most of the online resources so once I found a resource that had the newer model it went much easier (if you'd like me to post a link, feel free to ask, I lost it but can find it again if you need).

My first flight, as you can imagine, was bumpy and filled with lots of "OH ****" moments. I took it very easy as I've also got a protective frame arriving soon and I didn't want to damage the quad.

My first impression is total and utter amazement. I was astonished to see how much lift these things generate. I was expecting it to be fairly clumsy and sluggish but even the slightest fiddle of the sticks and this baby responds faster than a house fly. You can also adjust the responsiveness on the controller so if it's all a bit fast as it was for me, you can tone it down until you get the hand of it - I thought this was an excellent feature. There is also an expert mode but I don't feel I'm qualified enough to comment on that yet but will do at some point in the future.

It gains altitude faster I could've ever imagined. Had you said to me ten years ago that this would be around someday, I'd have told you you're nuts and laughed at you. I think it's safe to say that brushless motors are one of the best things to happen to the RC hobby scene.

I haven't had a go with the camera yet but I'll be taking it to a park when the rest of the bits I've ordered arrive and I'll report back then with my results.

All in all I'm very impressed with this piece of kit. It's my first quad so have nothing to gauge it against but as a rough comparison to those aforementioned helis (the highest of which I own 4 channel) it's in a whole different league.

I would absolutely recommend this to anyone with a vague interest in RC. It's hands down one of the most fun gadgets I've bought since I bought my first RC heli a good three or four years ago.

For those interested, I bought:

The Hubsan X4 with camera: £35.89
Spare blades: £1.56
Protective ring: £5.19
5x Spare batteries: £9.04

Total: £51.68

My next purchase will most likely be a crash pack for £15.75. I also need to sort out a case of sorts to cart it around in.

Any questions, fire away :)

Oh and thanks for all the advice folks, much appreciated!

I have just placed your order....

Flew one yesterday and loved it, did a typical of looking at really pricey ones but seeing your review made me go for the x4.

Sorry to hear that sounds very unlucky any idea what caused it?

Good to hear about the frame though. Post up the video if you have it.

Oh I know what caused it. Was doing back flips and went full retard... Wasn't sure which way was which until I caught sight of a manhole cover rapidly approaching :D One thing is for sure, if you want to do acro, the Naze32 is the way forward. I've been using my KK2.1 for a while because I damage my Naze32 mini, it just doesn't cut it for flips and rolls

Rather maddeningly, the Mobius shed its memory card in the crash and the last video is garbled. I have heard that there is repair software out there which might be able to sort it to the point the card popped, will look into that
Yeah it'll be recoverable though it's quite a manual process so depends if it's really worth it. It's basically caused by an interruption to the power and the device not having chance to write the end of the file. You 'just' (lose words, because it is quite techy) need to use a hex editor to copy across a successful completed end from a working file from the same device to the duffed file. It took me quite a while but then it was someone's wedding so was worth the time :p.

There's some programmes out there too but they all charged when I had to do it.
parrot ar drone info

Hi guys got one last week has anybody got 1 and have any tips

Boosting range
What batterys work best
Any tips on the gps as there are no instructions included
What does everyone think of the parrot ar 2 I find it quite fun to fly but will probably upgrade to the phantom vision plus next year
had my first crash yesterday it was down to the gps going crazy
Ordering an X4:D

I want to learn how to fly one so i can get one that i can attach my GoPro to, looking to get some photos of my house from space
I'm in the 250 club!

To dark to fly tonight and busy tomorrow, so it looks like I might have to wait until Thursday for its maiden crash flight :D
I'm in the 250 club!

To dark to fly tonight and busy tomorrow, so it looks like I might have to wait until Thursday for its maiden crash flight :D

Looking good! Keep an eye on your ESC temp I ended up putting mine back on the top of the arms as they were getting very hot between the base of the frame.

You using 5x4 or 5x3 props?
Really? My emax 12a ESCs are barely warm to the touch after a noon (well, the sides that I can jab my pinky into are, they are really wedged in there). What ESCs were you running ash?
To be honest it's probably as mine are 10amp and should really be 12, (using Turnigy Plush).

Even when I get round to getting some 12amp ones I won't be putting them back in the frame, I have seen a couple of ESC's burnt out on RC groups due to no ventilation. I would rather not risk it. Since flying FPV I have been going over some large trees and worried something might fail and it will get stuck, I guess it's one less thing to "possibly" go wrong.

Like I say it's probably nothing to worry about if you have more capable ESC's.

*Edit* The hot parts on mine were directly on the top
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They are 12A Afro ESC's. I will keep an eye on them.

5x3 props for the moment.

Having the screen and the buttons on the KK is a great idea, but doesn't work that well enclosed in a frame :p
Its the carbon fibre 250 from I've no idea if its real CF or Chinese "carbon fibre" (I.e. compressed fiberglass with a CF print) but it feels solid and went together great. I added a spacer kit from to give the room to put the ESCs under the frame.

The only problem with the 250s is there is so much extra wire everywhere. You can see why a lot of people trim them down.
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