Well, some stuff I needed arrived today, but the things I need to mount the KK2.0 and the power distribution board properly and battery straps are still awaiting delivery. Spent most of this evening soldering all the extension bullets on (Top tip! - DO NOT solder directly under a smoke alarm...Almost had a heart attack.) I also worked out a better way to mount the KK2.0 on to the distribution board:
Some more foam will between them too for extra vibration control but just waiting on some longer nylon bolts and washers.
My initial plan to use an old ear-bud box as a top cover/protection was scuppered by being just slightly too narrow and not quite tall enough, it was also a bit too flimsy I think, so some food container thing was acquired instead, this was a better size and a lot stronger but also quite a bit heavier, but due to the design the base (The inverted lid) was too thick for the mounting screws to get any thread:
The fat 'x' under the Hubsan was the problem, I could have worked around it, but the weight it added was also a point of concern, so it was binned as a canopy/protection and will be used as a small parts box instead. It was replaced by an old ice cream container which whilst looking really ridiculous (It's a printed box, not a removable label
) actually fits everything in with a bit of room to spare and is really quite lightweight and relatively strong, so I'm sure I can just paint it if I don't find anything better.
Hope the parts arrive tomorrow, can't wait to
crash it take it for a test flight!