Couple of snaps of mist rolling in over work this morning..[IMG]
This was from about **** (altimeter reading **** above sea level)
I hate to be a party pooper but I think you should remove the references to altitude. You should not legally be over 400feet indicated with Any RC aircraft.
All of you should read up on this [url][/url]
It's very important as the legal aspects of this hobby will become more and more relevant and you really want to be on the right side of the law.
Coming from a full sized aviation background, do not underestimate the potential for these things to cause damage to full sized aircraft regardless of what that tool Trappy from Team Black Sheep says - if you've ever seen the mess that a bird does to an aircraft then you'd have second thoughts about taking risks.
Just as an example - I've seen the hole (about the size of a football) in the side of a fighter plane after a bird got ingested, made it's way through the engine and got thrown out the side of the fuselage. Having a quad or a foamy which is significantly more solid than a bird, contains a highly flammable/explosive LiPo on board at an altitude that 'could' potentially end up in a flightpath is not a place where any of you want to be.
Please be careful guys, TBS is NOT an example of where you want to be at with your FPV.