Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

If it breaks it breaks I'd much rather be trying and failing then never trying at all :)

Blew up a few 5k+ engines in one of my old subarus in the quest for more power, learnt my lessons and cracked on (let's hope I don't regret using the term 'cracked')

If it breaks it breaks I'd much rather be trying and failing then never trying at all :)

Blew up a few 5k+ engines in one of my old subarus in the quest for more power, learnt my lessons and cracked on (let's hope I don't regret using the term 'cracked')


A very good philosophy. Stuff is pretty much meant for breaking I think :)
Well, I won't set out to break anything intentionally and it will annoy me massively if I did break it! However I would like to imagine it crashing into the water whilst zooming super close to a group of boats hotly contesting a turning marker with fantastic waves and the sun in the sky....

what will actually happen is I'll forget to calibrate it and smash it into my garage door* :p

*don't actually own a garage but I've been watching you-tube clips
And you will get that with the Inspire. No messing about. No tuning gains or balancing gimbals. No messing with different prop sizes. Just charge the batteries, stick and SD card in the camera, fire up the tx and your tablet and fly.

The main benefit that the Inspire and Phantom 3 bring above anything else on the market is the ability to change the camera settings while in the air. With anything else you need to set your camera up before you take off. Footage unusable? Oh well, change settings and fly again. With the Inspire you get a live histogram and zebra to check your exposure by.
Is RadioC a good place to buy parts from? Is their warehouse in the UK, i.e reasonable postage times?

Edit- and what's the difference between the GF250 and CF250 frames aside the weight- I assume the GF is an, er, "imitation" but is it still good quality in terms of strength?
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Oh well, sun is still out, lets see what I can go and do, if the rugby and football fields are empty im going to try my hand at FPV through the posts.

Tad windy though but should be ok
And you will get that with the Inspire. No messing about. No tuning gains or balancing gimbals. No messing with different prop sizes. Just charge the batteries, stick and SD card in the camera, fire up the tx and your tablet and fly.

The main benefit that the Inspire and Phantom 3 bring above anything else on the market is the ability to change the camera settings while in the air. With anything else you need to set your camera up before you take off. Footage unusable? Oh well, change settings and fly again. With the Inspire you get a live histogram and zebra to check your exposure by.

Well that's me hitting buy it now then, you should be a rep for DJI mate ;) :cool:
Balls, had a nasty fall. But still usable, ripped off the Mobius platform. Ripped out 1 rx antenna, cracked bottom of diatone frame

On way home as its now raining. Didn't get 3 batteries through

Does anyone know if you can buy the RX antenna wire bit with the small bit of metal on which clips in to the RX? I thought I brought it home in the field, I specifically remember putting it in my jeans pocket, but nada

My RX on the 250 only has one antenna wire now, how much difference will it make?, or will this work?

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New rx antenna ordered, £1.44 for the one wire

Also I moved some of the cracked frame in place and put some epoxy resin over the cracked part. Should be ok for now.

Need to re-attach the camera mount but instead of those crappy plastic things that go through the rubber going to look at screw and nut.
Well that's it I now own an inspire with an extra battery, just finding out how soon I can get it :cool:

Nice. Where did you buy it?
Did you get the TB48 high-capacity extra battery or another TB47?

I'm going to take a little flying long-weekend in Wales in May. Some friends have rented a farm house for a couple of weeks and I'm going to go and stay there with them for 3 days. It's in the middle of nowhere on the border of the Beacons.

I'm going to take everything with me and fly the bejesus out of all of it:


Taking bets on the repair bill after I've crashed all of them.

I just hope the weather is good.
Nice. Where did you buy it?
Did you get the TB48 high-capacity extra battery or another TB47?

I'm going to take a little flying long-weekend in Wales in May. Some friends have rented a farm house for a couple of weeks and I'm going to go and stay there with them for 3 days. It's in the middle of nowhere on the border of the Beacons.

I'm going to take everything with me and fly the bejesus out of all of it:


Taking bets on the repair bill after I've crashed all of them.

I just hope the weather is good.

I picked up an Inspire in Feb, everywhere I go the TB48 is out of stock, still only running a single TB47, which is a right pain especially travelling somewhere knowing you've got at best 15 mins to get up there and get your shots. I keep meaning to get a few more 47's but I've been holding back for the 48's.
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