Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Epoxy resin on the 250 seems to have set OK.

Took the top frame panel off and mounted the camera platform back on the rubber dampeners but this time using metal screw metal washers and metal nuts. Thread locked. That should make things better
I picked up an Inspire in Feb, everywhere I go the TB48 is out of stock, still only running a single TB47, which is a right pain especially travelling somewhere knowing you've got at best 15 mins to get up there and get your shots. I keep meaning to get a few more 47's but I've been holding back for the 48's.

I have a TB48 which was delivered a couple of weeks ago. I ordered it in December though so I feel your pain.
So my camera arrived eventually, I can start tuning this new frame properly.

These new sn20a esc are fantastic, power is on tap and they are landing cool.
2200mah 4s, emax 2206 1900kv and dys sn20a on Blheli 13.2, demag comp off, timing medium and light damped enabled. Luxfloat pidc is fantastic, next to no prop wash wobbles whatsoever on a incomplete tune is amazing. Im also trying pid at min feature on cleanflight which while taking some time to get used to chopping the throttle to zero seems to produce some amazing control.

60FPS is awesome!

I think I need to lower p and I on roll, lower I a little on pitch and up p and I on yaw but it feels super tight and im confident enough to use my self as a turn marker in the baron field I fly in I must find some more locations!

And yes I know I am quite grey
So my camera arrived eventually, I can start tuning this new frame properly.

These new sn20a esc are fantastic, power is on tap and they are landing cool.
2200mah 4s, emax 2206 1900kv and dys sn20a on Blheli 13.2, demag comp off, timing medium and light damped enabled. Luxfloat pidc is fantastic, next to no prop wash wobbles whatsoever on a incomplete tune is amazing. Im also trying pid at min feature on cleanflight which while taking some time to get used to chopping the throttle to zero seems to produce some amazing control.

60FPS is awesome!

I think I need to lower p and I on roll, lower I a little on pitch and up p and I on yaw but it feels super tight and im confident enough to use my self as a turn marker in the baron field I fly in I must find some more locations!

And yes I know I am quite grey

Didn't you only just change your ESC's a few weeks?
Nice. Where did you buy it?
Did you get the TB48 high-capacity extra battery or another TB47?

I'm going to take a little flying long-weekend in Wales in May. Some friends have rented a farm house for a couple of weeks and I'm going to go and stay there with them for 3 days. It's in the middle of nowhere on the border of the Beacons.

I'm going to take everything with me and fly the bejesus out of all of it:


Taking bets on the repair bill after I've crashed all of them.

I just hope the weather is good.

It's here with me now, just updating the firmware, I got one t48 and a t47

shame its blowing a gale here today I'm itching to try it out, will post some piccies in a bit, but you've all seen one before :P
Nice Will.
Make sure you use the prop locks that came with the craft. You will be getting some new quick-release props free of charge from DJI soon. I bought some ahead of time anyway and they are awesome. 2 seconds to attach or remove them.

Advice for you:

Do an advance calibration the first time you fly. Make sure the craft is absolutely level when you do it.
Do a compass calibration whenever you fly in a different location.
Don't fly out too far for the first 5 to 10 flights. The batteries have to be calibrated and it does this by seeing how they deplete over time. Do you first few flights as a hover close to you down to 25 or 20% remaining in the battery.
After 10 flights, completely deplete the battery - Land at 20% and then just leave it turned on on the bench until it completely turns itself off.
Buy a lipo charging bag for charging the batteries. LiPos are very dangerous and it's better to be safe than have a fire.

Remember, be safe and have a read of the air navigation order for SUAS. The headline rules:

Always maintain visual contact with your craft (<500M)
Don't fly within 50M of a building, object or person not directly under your control
Don't fly above 400 feet
Don't fly within 150M of a gathering of more than 1000 people
Don't fly within 150M of a congested area (a town or city)
Top tips mate thanks again, and trust me it's well and truly staying in beginner mode for quite some time :D

I've just registered it so I presume that will provide them with the details for the new props? I've not heard anything mentioned about them thus far...
Top tips mate thanks again, and trust me it's well and truly staying in beginner mode for quite some time :D

I've just registered it so I presume that will provide them with the details for the new props? I've not heard anything mentioned about them thus far...

They should be sent on by your dealer if they are an authorised DJI dealer. Where did you get it from?
ebay wonder shop no doubt, not heard anything back as yet and they were very responsive before purchasing :D

Could you do me a favour and post a link to what I'll need, I've emailed DJI directly too but worst case I'll just buy it separately. not exactly a fortune

3 day weekend? CHECK

no DIY planned! CHECK

All chores done ahead of time? CHECK

Batteries charged, Monitor Charged, TX Charged? CHECK

Weather forecast? ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!
Its pretty shoddy here too, although my 250 is getting some improvements. My 450 iv not planned anything

Working tomorrow and most probably have a lazy sunday

I will crack on with my 250 improvements and do some more wing building
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