This was the damage I managed to do with my derp soldering skills, what happened was the the horrible blob on the pad to the left just would not tin up and caused a huge blob of solder to drop on to the wrong pad and the actual chip when I pulled the soldering iron away, you can see where it is singed, pulling this blob off resulted in the trace
and the other pad to lift completely off so I thought it was toast..
To give some sort of scale to the mess, here's the tip of a ballpoint pen next to it
Yeah..Looks a lot worse now doesn't it..
This resulted in a constant 'Switch Error' no matter what position any of the switches were in, so I thought that was it.. Ordered a new one from HobbyKing China along with some other parts.
Then I thought I'd have a bash at fixing it as I had nothing to lose and I somehow managed to make a bridge out of the tiny 10-pin wire I'd cut away, solder it to the leg/pad of the chip and then tack it to the tiny resistor or whatever it is, tried the power worked!
So then I proceeded to solder in the connections for the 10-Pin plug so I could flash it, and it's a complete mess- anything electronical is a black art to me -but it worked!
Followed a guide on YouTube then on how to load the firmware using the EEPE thing with the USBAsp and hey presto!
It's a big improvement over the stock 9x GUI but I'm finding it not very intuitive for now getting into Menus I need to change settings, I ended up watching a Russian YouTube guide on just how to reverse a channel (I just followed his button pressing and screen selection, didn't have a clue what he was saying lol!) So some of it is a lot better but I think some of it is worse (Maybe because I'm just not used to it at all?)
Definitely a better screen to look at though..