good joke, regulation won't stop the people who break the rules already from breaking new ones.
It just means it's more of a pain in the ass for everyone else who enjoys the hobby without being silly with it.
Where did you take off from? Been trying to find somewhere decent down there,
Frsky L9R long range receiver has allowed one of my mini quads to stretch it's legs, without changing to a UHF system.
Range testing is going well, and it seems ideal if you only intend going out moderate distance on 2.4ghz
I've only ever done this trip with a wing in the past, so doing it with a 5" mini quad is pretty impressive.
I wouldn't bother with the Spark. It has terrible range, 2 axis gimbal, and is less convenient to deploy when compared to the Mavic. I'd buy a 2nd hand Mavic Pro rather than a Spark.