Where do you get it from Narj? Best I can see if £9 a metre
Searching the rainforest for "3m Dual Lock" shows a 25mmx1M strip at £6.99.
Where do you get it from Narj? Best I can see if £9 a metre
Might as well get the dual lock low profile. Its very strong, more than strong enough for this application, and half the price.
What do people think of the Parrot AR Drone? I was watching some videos on youtube and the level of control you have seems impressive.
The low profile stuff isn't as good IMO. I got some low profile clear stuff and am not that impressed really. It'll probably be good enough for this application but I'm paranoid.
It's great for what it is but it's a dead end. You buy it, fly it for 10 minutes, go "that's cool" then box it and never use it again. The camera is poor and it's largely useless outside.
Have a look at a DJI Phantom if you want a ready to fly system that's awesome.
Good question!I'm just getting a shopping list together for my first build and I'm curious as to what accessories I will need?
I have no RC equipment or experience at all so I need everything, but it's the 'other' stuff which I'm less clued up about:
connectors - which parts (ESCs, FCR, battery etc.) already come with connectors and which will I need to solder a connector to? Which types of connectors go with which parts?
wire - will I need additional wire? If so, which parts don't come with it?
heatshrink - which size for which size wire?
What would be useful is a diagram which shows each and every part of a typical multirotor and it's corresponding... accessories
What are you building Mat?
FrSky Taranis Transmitter gets a good review.I have tweezers etc already but what I don't have is a soldering iron and solder, battery charger, transmitter and all the other paraphernalia that goes with an RC model!
I have tweezers etc already but what I don't have is a soldering iron and solder, battery charger, transmitter and all the other paraphernalia that goes with an RC model!