Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

I've read that a transmitter with 8 or so channels is a good bet for most things. I was looking at the Turnigy 9x yesterday but, as with all these things, there are conflicting opinions as to whether its great because it does 'everything' but not so great for a beginner... I have no idea what distinguishes a good Tx from a poor one but I have a longer term plan to have an FPV setup so I'm happy to spend a bit more now to cover those needs later on.

I doubt I'll be soldering anything other than these builds so I might look around for an iron but £60 for a station doesn't look too bad really... Again, once I've got it, it's there for anything I might need later.

As for chargers, same as for Tx really, couldn't tell a good one from a bad one.

Basically, I'm copying other people's lists and setups at the moment!

The main issues I'm having at the moment aren't really which bits to buy but learning the best practices and how-to stuff... how to flash/program the ESCs and FCR, learning to solder etc. The building and actual flying is at the top of quite a broad pyramid of learning for me :p
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I've got the Turnigy 9X and I'd definitely recommend it. Works well, lots of buttons and whilst the config menus are a bit sluggish they do allow just about anything I can think of to be configured! However I've heard that if you want to do FPV going forward (meaning you're likely to fly at a greater range) that you'll want to use a different transmitter module than stock - seen recommendations for the flysky module that Hobbyking sell.

As for the soldering iron, I've not found anything that couldn't have been done absolutely fine with a super cheap iron really. Could probably do all the bullet connectors with one of those BBQ lighters :p

Not many any progress with my quad this month. Just not had the time :( Hoping February is a bit less hectic.
Bloody weather... I'd booked tomorrow off expecting to fly mine but the forecast has suddenly changed from sunny intervals to rain. :(
I know the feeling. I was hoping to get out this morning with the Phantom but its peeing down

Yep, it's annoying now having 2 hobbies that I can't do in the rain or high wind. :(

In other news, I got a case for my phantom 2... Like some other peeps have done, I got the P1 case for my P2, which only needed a few mods to fit my Fatsharks, 3 batteries and other bits. :)
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How much for the case? Im looking for one where I dont have to dismantle anything and everything slots straight in.

NVM, i just googled it and its a bit steep for me :(
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I've read that a transmitter with 8 or so channels is a good bet for most things. I was looking at the Turnigy 9x yesterday but, as with all these things, there are conflicting opinions as to whether its great because it does 'everything' but not so great for a beginner... I have no idea what distinguishes a good Tx from a poor one but I have a longer term plan to have an FPV setup so I'm happy to spend a bit more now to cover those needs later on.
I'd recommend spend as much as you can on a decent transmitter. Stay away from the Spektrum DX6, it's cheap yes but you'll likely be changing it sooner rather than later.
The Turnigy 9X is a great Transmitter from what I've read however it's not very intuitive for beginners. But don't let that put you off.
I have a Futaba 8FG (which is 14channels due to a software upgrade. I'll never use that to it's full potential)

I doubt I'll be soldering anything other than these builds so I might look around for an iron but £60 for a station doesn't look too bad really... Again, once I've got it, it's there for anything I might need later.
Mine was £45 from the Rainforest, German make. Seems sturdy enough!

As for chargers, same as for Tx really, couldn't tell a good one from a bad one.
If you can buy an AC&DC charger. Or just AC if you don't want to get or have a seperate PSU for charging.
Overlanders, Robbe, HobbyKing etc for chargers.
I've got one of these:
and the old man has one of these:
Where are you Mat? Must be someone here who you can hook up with. If you're not a mad man :D
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How much for the case? Im looking for one where I dont have to dismantle anything and everything slots straight in.

NVM, i just googled it and its a bit steep for me :(

You're looking at about £140 as I'm sure you already discovered. Had to do a bit of hacking away with a knife to fit the 3rd battery in but it's OK. :)

I got fed up of taking it out in that brown cardboard moulded container, looks a bit pants! I'm still keeping my batteries in fireproof bags when storing at home though, no way will I keep them in the case.
I suppose as with these types of things, sitting down with someone and actually seeing what's what is super beneficial! I'm in North Suffolk but can travel so if anyone is nearish, it would be great to come see these things first hand :)
I have two of those Duratool boxes. They fit the Phantom perfectly with props on and you can get the tx in there and batteries too if you're clever with your foam cutting.

Absolute bargain.
Oh nice find, I've been on the look out for a case but not seen anything the right sort of size with foam without costing massively more than I want to spend - that looks ideal! :)
Nice one Narj. I'll get me one of those.

I'm sort of wondering whether I'd have got away with one of those now myself! I do like the moulding of my case though, although I did have to butcher it a little to fit my stuff in properly. :)
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