Going to see them on Friday and cannot wait!!!
After listening to the new album a lot here is my honest opinion of it.
Uprising- A great release track, by far the easiest track on the ear which goes to explain why it was the first track released. Pull your audience in and make them purchase your album, seemed to work.
Resistance- Probably my favorite track on the album, beautiful intro/verses, catchy pre-chorus and a powerful chorus.
Undisclosed Desires- Liked the song at first but gets very tedious very fast, no change in pace throughout the whole song, follows a very simple verse/chorus/verse/chorus structure. Sick of this track already. It really needed some kind of a bridge.
United States Of Eurasia- This is a song that is meant to be heard live. A great song imo.
Guiding light- Probably the worst on the album, doesn't really provoke much emotion from the listener, at least it doesn't for me. It's by no means an awful song but no where near Muse's best.
Unnatural Selection- My second favorite song on the album, think new born, think origin of symmetry. Powerful, exciting and leaves you wanting more!
MK Ultra - Another great track, my third favorite on the album. Apparently they aren't playing it in their live set list though :|. The 'they are breaking through' part starts to get a bit frustrating. Excellent breakdown at the end though.
I Belong to you - I despise the first 2 minuets of this track, but after those it's a great song, thanks to those first two minuets it only scores
Exogenous part 1 - A very evocative song start, I was driving home the other day and had this on. For some reason I started driving a lot slower and started thinking about 'stuff' :|
Exogenous part 2 - Starts off with piano playing what I would describe as 'enchanting' music. Not something I'd listen to with mates or at a party but it serves its purpose. When the lyrics come in it's simply stunning, especially when the whole band comes in.
'Spread our codes to he stars, you must rescue us all, tell us, what is your final wish'
Exogenous part 3 - The final part of this track is the longest. Some of the most incredible piano playing I've ever heard. The start really reminds me of moonlight sonata, has the same kind of feel. I have a feeling this will be used in many emotional film scenes over the next decade. If you shut your eyes are listen to this and are not blown away I feel slightly sorry for you
Track comes to a very uplifting end. '
Let's start over again'
In conclusion, the album is let down by three poor tracks. Guiding light, Undisclosed Desires and I Belong To You (better than the previous 2).
It's a very good album with evident mistakes, in no way Muse's best work but at least they have done something different.