Infact women in islam are given a higher status than men, ur mother is 3 times more important than father, ur wife is meant to held in a very high esteem etc
As has been said before, for us, and christians and jews too, this life is just a `test` to get to a better place, we are faced with with many obstacles, we are taught to live are lives fully but with keeping to few rules and regulations, its not that hard in all honesty. Also how do we know god has not already revealed himself, god works in misterious ways!
Good,bad,ugly what every u have done in this life u will get reward or punishment in this life too, its just sometimes were to blind to acknowledge this.
My faith is reasonably strong, i may not be the best muslim in the world, but my faith has got me through some very difficult times indeed.
We didn't have Imam's born and educated in the UK. Our Imam's were from Pak/India who taught us their verison of Islam. It might work in Pak/India but not here.
This really annoys me tbh, these imams know there stuff fair enough, but kids in this country should be taught in english to make them understand and appreciate the religion, Imo actually muslim kids should be taught arabic before the koran, this way they are just not`reading` the koran as a book, they are understanding what is contained in it, i feel this would make us more enlightened and we could conduct ourselves in the correct manner and portray islam as a positive faith, rather than a backward one atm