Muslims taking over britain?

Umm, you might want to get with the times there fella, didn’t this happen decades ago, long before most people on this forum were born I’d expect? Do you really think this is an applicable statement today? It seems to me personally, unlike what you see/read/hear about in ‘muslim’ or ‘arab’ countries, that times have changed here, and actions like this will not be tolerated in today’s modern society.

As others have said, customs often do this, it’s not a personal attack on you, and it is their job! The fact you seem to hold such a grudge over the event now, seems to bolster my opinion that people such as yourself are unwilling to become part of society – from your little story you seem view yourself as different, maybe even special (hence customs having the audacity to question you), and that to me seems like a mindset that will never be able to integrate. I guess the same could be said about the chav scourge.

Sorry if you think I’m anti-anyone-but-British or something, I’m not, but with all the crap going on in the world at the moment, constantly hearing about religious nut jobs complaining or scheming to do more evil, just does my head in.


the first part was actually meant as a little joke but nevermind! as for my story, i wasnt just once, its everytime i go in and out of the country. Maybe i should add that it isnt just when i come into the country but when im leaving too, Where u going, who u going with, who u staying with etc etc.

**edit** i should also add that out of all the people i know probably around 95% are white so in no way do i class myself as different or special. My mother is as Yorshire as Yorkshire gets so im half english and born and bread here. What does make things different though is the fact that cos of the colour of my skin i am treated differently. Yet chances are most people at some point have some irish/scotish/welsh/french/german in them somewhere so im probably as english as most people. Its just the colour at the end of the day and yes the race arguement does swind both ways.

and quotes like RecD dont really help either.
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the first part was actually meant as a little joke but nevermind! as for my story, i wasnt just once, its everytime i go in and out of the country. Maybe i should add that it isnt just when i come into the country but when im leaving too, Where u going, who u going with, who u staying with etc etc.

My wife is 49, white, special needs teacher, born in England and always gets stopped at Airports.
Twice she has been taken in a backroom for other checks.
We always start laughing and tell the guards that she always get stopped but they won't tell us why she gets picked on.
Obviously she fits some kind of profile.
Live with it - she does.
Live with it - she does.

I started regularly flying for work around 9/11, and tbh it really used to bug me when I first got special attention, ive since come to realise that customs people are just ****'s, they take some peverse pleasure in making people feel like ****.

Once you travel a little more you find that all sorts of people get stopped, I do think I do get stopped more than most, but meh, what ya gonna do, the more you become aggitated around them, the more you get hassled.Its a part of life we have to live with.

As for the OP, Hizb-UT-Tehrir and N.Anjum are a bunch of ****'s who the govt should have done something about along time ago, they are an ofshoot of Al muhajiroun (captain hook), problem is Anjum is a ****ing lawyer so he knows all the loopholes.
aww will you listen to yourself go on, these people who are doctors, lawyers teachers are all bein judged by what you read in the tabloids. You're as narrow minded as these extremists are.

You need to take a serious reality check, its people like you that while the world is falling down round their ears, continue to drive their 4 litre 4x4s to the chipshop every night leavin all their lights and heating on with the windows open complaining about people who have left their home countries in search of a better life and all you do is add to the problems here.

I'm not saying we should open our borders and let whoever wants to come in in, anything like that. It just gets on my nerves so much when people are just judged on their colour of their skin or the god they pray to before you've even asked them their name or what they do.

When the head of the British Muslim Council or some other prominent British Muslim was asked about terrorism and the bad image its causing all he said was "all rapists are men" and he's got such a point, some of you would do well to bare that in mind.

If it isnt the muslims, it would be black people, if it wasnt black people, it would be jews, if its not jews it'd be the irish and then the scottish and then the welsh and then the people from the town over, and then them on the next street and then your neighbour and then all the way until you're left with the resolution that you're the blame for your own problems, there's always gonna be issues in the world, has their ever been a major world problem through history where an entire race or religion was each and equally responsible?
Quoted for truth.
the first part was actually meant as a little joke but nevermind! as for my story, i wasnt just once, its everytime i go in and out of the country. Maybe i should add that it isnt just when i come into the country but when im leaving too, Where u going, who u going with, who u staying with etc etc.

Sorry, I totally missed the joke.

Well, I am sorry if that is how you are treated, some people have the same with the Police and get pretty angry about it, and it happens for all races, but life goes on; things like this are too trivial to dwell on.
Granted I am white, so I haven’t had to live with a ‘stigma’, if you can call coloured skin that, hanging over my head, so I cannot fully appreciate what it must be like for you or anyone of colour.

On another note, I personally think it’s hard trying to say things correctly when you talk about race, this is probably thanks to years of government and media BS on the subject!

**edit** i should also add that out of all the people i know probably around 95% are white so in no way do i class myself as different or special. My mother is as Yorshire as Yorkshire gets so im half english and born and bread here. What does make things different though is the fact that cos of the colour of my skin i am treated differently. Yet chances are most people at some point have some irish/scotish/welsh/french/german in them somewhere so im probably as english as most people. Its just the colour at the end of the day and yes the race arguement does swind both ways.

and quotes like RecD dont really help either.

I didn’t mean it as an offence, you do sound as British as I am, not that you have to be to live here, it’s just with all the **** we are fed through media, it seems like too many people are willing to use the race (or race hate) card in situations where anyone else would be locked up. Inciting racial hatred for example, I bet if I were to go out in public spouting some of the nonsense you hear from preachers of the stuff, I’d be carted away, but these guys in the OP would probably be left alone, for fear of anyone appearing racist.

At the end of the day, I cannot see an immediate solution, other than deporting anyone preaching hatred; as others have said our country gives a lot of freedom to its citizens, let’s see just how far these ‘extremists’ get back in their own country.

I came close to death and spent a week in hospital recovering from a severe blood clot in my leg.

On my ward, there was a muslim patient of turkish origin who spent the entire week dedicating himself to helping others around him (fluffing pillows, calling the nurse in an emergency, getting glasses of water, putting a genuine smile on people's faces). All this whilst heavily breathing himself through a plastic jar connected to the outside of his chest.

In that time I saw through the crap the trash 'news reporting' this country spouts at us, and have seen that good and bad exists not in religion, but in people themselves.

Part of the problem is that people like the Muslim you mention will never have power because they don't seek it. There are Muslims who ignore the savage, brutal, tyrannical parts of their religion and just pick out the nice bits. Although some of them do support torture and killing of anyone who is disobedient, so it's not all nice. But they're not seeking power. Those who seek power are those who are extremists. So the numbers don't matter. A thousand people can rule a million people. Many Muslims were killed by the Taliban, for example.

Consider Christianity in the middle ages. Gentle village priests weren't in power. That was the province of psycho nutjobs like Torquemada.
To put this all in perspective, you have a few fanatics kicking themselves up into a hate frenzy. Rather sounds like the BNP's Red, White and Blue festival :p

The ordinary muslim on the street is ok as is the ordinary anybody on the street. Fanatics and hatemongers are just that, remember WWII - are all Germans hatemongers? :)

Yes, remember WW2 and the run-up to it - who had power in Germany? The ordinary German in the street or the Nazis? Were the Nazis just a minority of Germans? Did that stop them obtaining power?
Part of the problem is that people like the Muslim you mention will never have power because they don't seek it. There are Muslims who ignore the savage, brutal, tyrannical parts of their religion and just pick out the nice bits. Although some of them do support torture and killing of anyone who is disobedient, so it's not all nice. But they're not seeking power. Those who seek power are those who are extremists. So the numbers don't matter. A thousand people can rule a million people. Many Muslims were killed by the Taliban, for example.

Consider Christianity in the middle ages. Gentle village priests weren't in power. That was the province of psycho nutjobs like Torquemada.

History isn't my strong point - religion too. All I know is that I know who I'll respect going to my grave, and religion won't factor into any of it. People are my religion.
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