Always thought you batted for the other team
Just some info on the ABS as I have gone through the pain myself. There is no info held in the ECU for it so it's very hard to diag. Chances are it's a sensor which you can test individually by testing the resistance. I replaced a front sensor and a year later the light was on again. PITA!!!!!
*Also you pretty much can't buy used for the front as they are impossible to remove without destroying them. So you would have to replace the whole hub to fit a used one.
For all weird key oddoties I've found this works well on my mk2.5 in the past.
1). Keep drivers door open.
2). Insert key into ignition
3). Turn the ignition on. To the point the dashboard lights up but not as far turning the ignition to the point of starting the engne.
4) Turn ignition off when red light extinguishes.
5). Turn the ignition on a second time to the point the dashboard lights up but not as far as starting the engne.
6). Turn ignition off again.
7). Turn the ignition on a third ime to the point the dashboard lights up but not as far as starting the engne.
. Turn the ignition off for a third time.
9). Rember keeping the drivers door open? Well, look on the car body next to the drivers seat, at hip level, for a small black button. It's near the sill. (One of the buttons functions is to turn the interior light on and off when you open the drivers door) Well, press this button.
10). Press this button again for a second time.
11). And again for a third time.
12). I think I could hear the door locks motoring at this point.
13) Press any button on your key fob.
14) Press the same key fob button again.
15). I think I heard more door lock noises.
16) Key fob reprogramming? ..... Done.
Tried that, didn't help. I think it's an issue with the drivers lock. I have bought a replacement wiring thingy from mx5parts but not got round to fitting it. Worried that if I take the doorcard off I'll never get it back on as it should go.
MOT passed today - no advisories Not bad for 22 years old!
Edit: Oh and Im trying and failing to get hold of Reverant to discuss buying one of his ECUs at the end of next month
You not tempted to see what the new Motorsports Electronics ECU is like? Looks like a good alternative to a MS.