My beautiful doggie died today..

gosh, that's so sad.

It's so devastating when you lose a family pet, whether they're 13 weeks, 3 years or 13 years old it's such a tough thing.

Thoughts are with you guys.
So sorry to hear this. RIP Tyler :( As above, I've been there... more times than I'd like. Best advice is never to forget him, but to get another dog soon. I've found having another to put your energies into helps you not sit around moping about the last one more than is healthy. JMHO.
My thoughts are with you.

Its been just over a year since one of my dogs (Lulu) got hit by a car and later died. Nothing can explain just how the loss of a loved dog/cat can effect you, and to be honest i never knew until it happened to me.

All you can do is cherish the memories and know that you gave them a good and happy life.

Show some respect! I didnt post it did i, i said its pushing the boundries, i think ive shown respect below sherlock :/

Pushing the boundris abit with these now :p
There will be a thread and someone will post one, and i can guarantee he will get slated by everyone, its only a matter of time.

RIP anyway, i love dogs, allways a horrible time :(
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Sorry for your loss :(

I have a 2 yr old Rottie with liver cancer, in the last 3 months hes gone from 50kg to 28kg but the psycological connection hasnt been made yet and mentally hes fine but psyically hes dieing. The vets gave 2-6 weeks (3 weeks ago) :( :(
These times are always hard. My mother's dog's just been diagnosed with inoperable cancer in the throat, so I can understand a little of what you're going through. I can't have a dog of my own where I live, but I certainly would if I could. (They're so much more reliable than people! :-)

Best wishes to you and anyone else suffering similar problems -- whether animal or human -- at the moment.

Andrew McP
Sorry to hear that - dogs become such a big part of your life and you there's, it's like losing a family member - scrap that, it is losing a family member.
When my dog died a couple of years ago i was in pieces, which surprised me abit. Also died at a fairly early age. You cant help but get attached to them.
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