My beautiful doggie died today..

sorry to hear about your loss, cant imagine what you must be going through, although i have been brought up with dogs (King Charles Cavaliers) we have never had one die at such a young age! i could not imagine losing my Alfie now! he was 3 at the begining of the month! feel so sorry for you!

RIP little man x
I just want to say thanks to all of you for your kind words - I can't believe how many people have written something, it really has helped especially while I've been sat here at work.
When I started this thread late last night I was so upset, soon after I began thinking perhaps I shouldn't have - why should these guys really care.

But I'm glad I did.

I'm still drifting between feeling OK and moments of despair. I can't believe he's never coming home. We do have another dog who is 3 months older that Tyler, and he's incredibly sad at the moment. He's not even interested in us but prefers to sit on his own.
Sorry mate...
:( 2 of my Turkey chicks died yesterday.. Yes, everybody in Somerset keeps poultry..

Planning on getting another dog?
Never nice to lose a pet. :(

We had chickens in a coup in the back garden was I was a kid, one night a fox got in and killed them all and only took 1, I was horrified to see it in the morning, life the ban on hunting I say! :mad:
3 years, that's awfull :(

I've lost a dog who was 14 last year so i know how it feels. They truely are a family member and it hurts deeply when they are gone. I used to walk downstairs in the morning and look for where he was out of habbit, even tho i knew he was gone.

It's a hard thing to get used to, but i can tell you it does get better with time.

R.I.P ::(
I feel your pain, the same thing happened to our dog; although he was 16. Fell ill one evening and then he died 2 days later. It was horrible, and so sudden. It took me 3 months to get over it and about 6 to get completely over it. :(
Oh I'm gutted for you :(

Such a sad situation, I lost my dog at 3 years due to pancreatic cancer and was completely and utterly devastated for weeks.

Our younger dog was even more lost than we were, he'd never been alone in his life and hearing his puppy whimper 24/7 was even more heartbreaking.

We eventually got another dog and the 2 boys are bloody wonderful at 9 & 10 years respectively. (Jakey Bonbon-Diddley & Sammyboy pictured below)


So sorry to hear of this news and RIP Tyler :(

Chin up mate :)
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