My Bitfenix Prodigy Water Cooled build....

Also thinking of moving the res to the other side of the case. The side where the Gfx card is. If I get adventurous, I'll then cut a window! :)

Will have to wait and see once I start plumbing everything in.
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I like it bro,

Mail me a list of everything you got if you have time?

Remember we both have the same board so the back plate is all that really worries me.

YOU REALLY!! need an Ax psu with braided cables to complete this build btw :P
Bitfenix Recon Fan controller ordered.

After having a good look tonight I should be able to make this fit.

There's enough room from the front of the 240 rad to the front of the case. I can also modify the optical bay cage - basically cut out the section down the middle where the rad sits leaving a little section at the front.

The recon should be able to mount in there without amy issues fingers crossed!!

Once I have this and everything plumbed in and the water flowing all I want to do is get some red dye for the loop and cut a window! :)
Recon arrived.

The only problem I can see if from the underside.


As you can see there are some heatsinks screwed and glued there.

These will probably have to be cut down a few mm to be able to fit the recon in with the rad in the roof.
Recon arrived.

The only problem I can see if from the underside.


As you can see there are some heatsinks screwed and glued there.

These will probably have to be cut down a few mm to be able to fit the recon in with the rad in the roof.

So it should fit once modded? hopefully its not to difficult because I'm wanting a recon in my build too :)
Hard to say at the moment. Have them running st 7v, but the stock intel cooler is loud!!!

I'll know more once complete.

On a side note - where the hell is my Dremel??!?!?!!!!

Point1 - have decent tools!!

*note - these have been taken with my iphone*

Optical bay bracket

You have to cut it like this to get the recon in with a 240 rad in the roof. When I say cut, I mean spend ages drilling holes in a line. OR IF YOU HAVE DECENT TOOLS..... CUT!!!

It looks iffy, but can't be seen in the case.



I decided to not attempt to modify the recon in anyway so the next step was to move the rad back a bit. To do this the rear fan had to be removed.

Some rough measuring later....




No space for the rear fan


Da daaaa!!!!

Now to get on with the water cooling!!
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Time to get cracking!!.... (warning - iPhone pictures!!!)

Stock intel hs&fan... Booo!!


EK block, no mounting issues thankfully as this motherboard doesn't like some rear block plates due to the msata connector.




1st hose on!! Slight compression of the hose, but I can live with that as it is 1/2"



GTX670 looking all fancy!!



The back plate just fits in there with the position of the ram slots


Took me ages to find a route for this!! I then realised the hose was twisting when tightening the fitting up which was causing me all sorts of headaches!!



So far I'm happy with how it's going. It's taking a hell of a lot longer than originally expected. The rest should be reasonably straight forward at least.
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