any chance you could go into more detail.
perhaps show us how you put the rad in the bottom?
Lots of people seem to remove both sides of the lower hdd to fit a rad in the bottom of the case, then the shelf above the PSU droops.
I wanted to fit a 120.3 in the bottom cos
1. hadnt seen anyone else do it
2. I bought a RS360 for the top but wanted to change it to a deeper rad and hated to waste it
3. seemed like it would balance the triple fan outtake at the top
4. the space was wasted
first plan was to cut a hole and mount a grill over it. So off with the feet
drill off 3 rivets on the front
and grind off 1 rivet on the top of the HDD cage ( which was a bit tricky and I scuffed my paint )
put the grill on to mark out holes
I was planning to mount the rad in the middle of the bottom of the case at this point and marked the mounting holes before drilling...
I put the fan in to just have a look and realised if I mounted it just off centre it would fit perfectly against the HDD cage and the mount screws for the rad lined up with holes in the bottom grill
I was a bit nervous about making the first cut, so I screwed up the rad to look at how to mount the grill ;
Instead of cutting a hole, I thought why not use the grill as a template for drilling 200 holes ?