Gonna be a busy boy on friday as my housemates PC components are arriving so I'll be building that for him. I've sold him some items I'm upgrading from, incluiding my CPU cooler, so praying my watercooling stuff actually comes this week!
His spec is as follows:
i5 2500k
MSI P67A-C45 (use to be mine)
Coolermaster CM690II advanced (same)
8gb Crucial 1600 vengence blue
seagate 1tb hdd
60gb OCZ agility SATA3 SSD
Windows 7
MSI 6950 2gb
OCZ 600w stealthXsteam2 PSU (also sold to him from me)
Corsair H60 + apache black (same as above)
Should be a nice little machine! (little compared to my corsair 800D

I've also been doing some modding today but don't have a camera at the moment so I'll have to steal my girlfriends lol. I bought the case with a 240mm rad mod done to the bottom shelf of it, which I've smartened up today and added some dust filters to fill the gap. I've had to order another 90 degree SATA cable due to noticing that the 6gb upgrade kit for the hotswop bays was being bent by the plastic cover as I have 3 hard drives, so 2 90 degree bend cables and a straight one, which is the problem and is being replaced.
Looking at putting some sort of support for the tray and have a few ideas, yet I don't own ANY of the tools necessary to do it, so watch this space lol. Seen someone use a black wooden dowel as a support which actually works quite well, yet it wasn't secured, which is an issue for me as I will have to move the case at some point. Due to that, I've ordered some velcro addesive pads from OcUK to secure some components which may be loose, depending on what loop layout I choose (like whether I should suspend the pump below the res etc).