My MacBook Pro Upgrade Blog

Pieces of straw! That nearly beats the customer PC someone brought into a competitor when I worked there (many moons ago while a student) with a HDD "installed" using Blu-Tak!
Pieces of straw! That nearly beats the customer PC someone brought into ******* when I worked there (many moons ago while a student) with a HDD "installed" using Blu-Tak!

Everyone knows white-tak is more adhesive :rolleyes:;)
I came back into here to find out what size torx driver you used, only to be sadly let down when I noticed that you didn't, and used pieces of straw instead!

I bought a nice little 33pc kit online, received it yesterday and yes the gentlemen above is correct its T6! Pretty neat little set with Philips/Torex's and some I have no idea about!

I quickly removed the HDD studs, but since I don't move my MBP I've yet to secure the new HDD! :p:o

Pieces of straw! That nearly beats the customer PC someone brought into a competitor when I worked there (many moons ago while a student) with a HDD "installed" using Blu-Tak!

I'll be sure to take a picture when I get chance to secure it correctly! hehe.
I've got a torx 8 but not a torx 6 anywhere. I feel a trip to B&Q tomorrow!
Hmm, OK. In that case I know where I can get one (and I've just double checked).
I picked up some cheapy "watch" screw drivers from the supermarket after some scum robbed my tool bag.

They also sell a set of Tork drivers if you don't fancy a trip to that competitor.
How are you finding it for noise? I have no idea how loud the stock drive is but I can hear the Scorpio Black whirring away all the time, I really thought it would have been quieter.
I have just put a 320 gb Scorpio Black in my MBP (3.1) I can only hear it reading / writing if it is very quiet. I decided o to a fresh install rather than CCC / Super Duper it - I forgot how long it takes :(
I have just put a 320 gb Scorpio Black in my MBP (3.1) I can only hear it reading / writing if it is very quiet. I decided o to a fresh install rather than CCC / Super Duper it - I forgot how long it takes :(

Can you even hear it spinning? Mine sounds like a fan whirring away.
Can you even hear it spinning? Mine sounds like a fan whirring away.

Nope not a squeek. I can hear it writing occasionally (rapid clicking) but no rotational noise - infact the internal fans (running normally) are louder than my HD
How are you finding it for noise? I have no idea how loud the stock drive is but I can hear the Scorpio Black whirring away all the time, I really thought it would have been quieter.

I did tell you in the other thread. (Sounds rude but i'm not meaning to be! :p)

Mine is whirring and vibrates. Not to the extent that it annoys me but it's definitely louder than my old 17" 5400RPM drive.
OK, so it sounds (and from googling about as well) that this drive should be practically silent. I'm SuperDuper!ing back to my original drive and the Scorpio is going back. Logsi, it'll be interesting to see if the replacement is quieter but mine certainly appears to be a lot louder than I expected. If the replacement isn't as loud then I'd suggest you return yours as well.
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