My new ride

Interesting page about breaking the engine in.

Seems to disagree with the traditional methods of keeping revs below x rpm. Get out there and give it some proper revs :D

I've seen run ins done like that, but it has been on bikes that are being used in trackdays and what not. As Morbius said, it dramatically shortens engine life. To be fair though the break in period is for me as well, has been a while since I've had big runs on bikes lol.

I take it your bike has the conrod bolts torqued correctly? :D

Hah, yes, spoke to the dealer as soon as I heard about the issue, and my frame number falls outside of the issue thankfully.
Yes, you'll get more performance with a harder run-in but you'll also dramatically shorten the life of the engine.

The results are always the same... a dramatic increase in power at all RPMs. In addition, many professional mechanics have disassembled engines that have used this method, to find that the condition of the engine is much better than when the owner's manual break-in method has been used.

Seems to say that the condition of the engine is actually better by using this method though. The pictures seem to back that up too.
Seems to say that the condition of the engine is actually better by using this method though. The pictures seem to back that up too.

Ah right in, fair enough lol. I'm on my phone at the moment, so I've not fully read the article. I'd have thought the problem may lie with people not varying their rev range, and just being lazy, assuming that because they have a limiter on, it'll be fine. I'm smashing though different gears and rev rangers, even though I'm not going above 9000. Hopefully it should be all good.
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