In the winter it's not how much you can generate but how much you can store during the off peak period. Even on a bad solar day I run my house on 8.5p electric all day then export what is left for 15p kWh. Soon my imports will be 7p kWh when I get my charge point installed.I do not, I looked at it to see how much people were generating and if maybe I should invest in a system to cut my bills down. But given that in winter people are generating like 1-3kW a day it wouldn't really touch even my 'low use' (60kW) days.
Sounds like you've got a big house, if you have plenty of space for panels then a large system will generate well in the summer, which potentially builds up credit for the winter, couple it with batteries and there is plenty of savings to be had. Our gas and electric has been negative two years running.
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