NAND on the way right up!! More expensive Flash and SSDs

OCZ who have had some major restructuring ........
More likely to about to fill for chapter 11

I would not be buying any ocz products as warranty would be void pretty soon (Opinion).
As the mismanagement, cooking its accounts and getting sued leading to stock down 80% on one year ago.

But if they go under old stock might get sold cheap....( Just like the ram sale )
Good info, but quite interesting you state you are revaluing your current stocks ona daily basis, its hardly like the stock price has gone up.
Reaplcement cost to you might have increased, but if they are in stock, then they are in stock, and cost what you have paid for them, not what they cost to replace in stock.
Lol this recurring theme of OMG prices are going wait....they just went down getting just a little boring.

Anyone who has been buying computer products for any period of their life knows most things in computers only ever go in one direction when it comes to price, thats down, especially with something like hdds, unless there is a natural disaster!

It's true SSD prices are going up, but only on OCUK's website, everywhere else they are static. Perhaps you need to change your suppliers ;)
At the end of the day, manufacturing is going in the direction such that we see die shrinks every 1 to 2 years or so, giving a near halving in £ per GB each time, so prices cannot stay high forever.
In fairness to AM, He is letting you know. which is more than you would ever get from other retailers.
It's not like a profit-seeking business would ever spread FUD to drum up sales or anything is it? The mere concept is ludicrous!

Crucial M4s are the cheapest I've ever seen them, just sayin'
At the end of the day, manufacturing is going in the direction such that we see die shrinks every 1 to 2 years or so, giving a near halving in £ per GB each time, so prices cannot stay high forever.

This. Buy now, or don't, the prices are guaranteed to drop at some point anyway. SATA 3 is pretty much fully saturated now, so we will most likely see higher capacity SSDs for less in the next year.
Everything is moving towards SSDs, if it isn't already there. Short of some kind of disaster like that which befell HDD manufacturers the trend is surely going to continue downwards. Yes there will be seasonable blips, but that's predictable.

The only reason it wouldn't would be if there was some kind of cartel in effect. Multiple competing companies offering SSDs to an ever increasing market will compete to drive down the price.
Good info, but quite interesting you state you are revaluing your current stocks ona daily basis, its hardly like the stock price has gone up.
Reaplcement cost to you might have increased, but if they are in stock, then they are in stock, and cost what you have paid for them, not what they cost to replace in stock.

It's a pretty standard retail practise to set your prices on replacement stock prices when they go up. Particularly in competative markets like PC parts where margins are small.
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