NEARLY 2 YEARS WAITING: New Mustang GT PP is finally mine!

Bit weird that the mounts for the bonnet struts are there already. Do they come as standard elsewhere i.e. the USA? Are you going with new wheels? Made any decisions yet?
Bit weird that the mounts for the bonnet struts are there already. Do they come as standard elsewhere i.e. the USA? Are you going with new wheels? Made any decisions yet?

Gotta burn these tyres up first, but I have two wheel designs I like a lot in mind. :)
Looking great Gibbo!

Silly (perhaps) question, I assume any heavy modding will invalidate the new car warranty, if this is the case, are you minded to hang fire or just think **** it and mod away?

Evo thread closed :D:D

And your reputation sealed in these parts, I hope it was worth it. :/
Looking great Gibbo!

Silly (perhaps) question, I assume any heavy modding will invalidate the new car warranty, if this is the case, are you minded to hang fire or just think **** it and mod away?

And your reputation sealed in these parts, I hope it was worth it. :/

Hence not touching the engine for a while, the rest is a case of I break, my bank balance pays. :)

Have you used line lock yet?

Nope, simply because it is my own car and well call me a wuss but I cannot imagine it is any good for the drivetrain?
Always loved sc whine noise if i get bired of na itr ill get one fitted. Cant wait to see it life
Hi there

So today I decided to get back under the car again and get her up on axle stands, made incredibly easy with the Steeda jacking rails I must say, effortless to jack the car very high on the driveway now.

Even though I have no complaints about the transmission, it is a joy to use, I rate it better than my 911's gear change, but 2-3rd at over 6000rpm can on the rare occasion be a little hard to get 3rd if you going for a quick shift. So as I already had the Steeda transmission mount and transmission bushing insert I decided to get them installed.

I started with the transmission mount, thinking this would be harder as people say its hard to get off and to get the new one in you need to undo transmission cross member and drop the transmission an inch or two.

Well I decided to try without undoing the transmission cross member or lowering the trans/gearbox. I got the old one out and the new one in place all OK, yeah it was a little fiddly but it only took me about 45 minutes. I used a 10mm socket with several extensions to make it easy undoing and tightening back up.

I then did the bushing insert, support gearbox with a jack and undid cross member, this bushing is a real tight fit, it took a lot of persuasion, it would probably go in easier with something like WD40 but I wanted to only use the energy suspension grease which is very tracky and no doubt makes it a little harder.

Couple of images of the new parts and old parts:



You can see the stock part is a rather flimsy cheap looking item and you will also see I drilled a hole into the bushing insert to cut down on any potential NVH. So the drive, at first it is really hard to notice anything, maybe the gears a tad less notchy and slot in easier, but if the case then it is real slim. High RPM shifts seem spot on now, though before they were pretty fine, just 2nd-3rd you had to be mindful if doing it fast, so now its a bit easier.

NVH really quite unsure, I think there could be some which will be coming from bushing insert but I am not sure, so that is how minor it is, we shall see on my commute to work tomorrow as today I was simply having to much fun driving the car.

So the jury is out on these parts, I am not witnessing any vast change to how the car changes gear, it was always superb and still is, these parts any improvement is very minor and if they were over £100 I would not recommend them, as such the pair cost me £60, would I do it again, probably not as I found my gear change lovely, it still is but I cannot say this part has transformed the car in any way, it might for others and at £60 it is not breaking the bank. So make your own minds up but unfortunately it is not a part I can turn around and say OMG its made the car epic, or ruined the car, there is an improvement, but it is minor at best.

I was having some fun on a national speed limit road, now the Pzero's have got 250 miles on them and the fact it is 13c outside and wet/damp all of a sudden they are working quite well, full throttle in second gear and she just goes, even 1st gear traction in the damp is actually fantastic, this car can really get up and go from a dig. Loving the car in race mode to be honest, like my 911 the traction systems are dialed way out so they do not interfere, but I've not really pushed the car to hard yet. Then a guy came running out of his unit waving at me, I assumed me flying up and down the road upset him, but he was smiling, pulled into his car park and we got talking. His excitment was because he has a V8 Auto on order and cannot wait to get it, he also has a garage full of parts waiting to go on. Not only that he has a rather impressive garage, Lambo, GTR, Escort RS Cosworth, 911 and he just sold his M4, said he did not like it and the Mustang essentially replacing it. A good guy and someone handy to know as his business is working on cars, vans and trucks. :)

Couple of photos from tonight of the Stang:



A crowd started to develop, people only had positive things to say, they absolutely love it and it seems common that most people think the rear of the car looks very 60's Mustang and Aston Martin, not a bad thing at all. :)

Given your track record over the past few days it was a very valid comment. Do you actually own a car that requires Gibbo to fit a supercharger to compete against?

I DO NOW ;) i've just brought somethnig.

this is staying a secret until i get it home :cool: you wont see anything on the Evo Forum either
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My drive to work is normally a 20-30 minute affair, this morning I took a detour and took a good hour, dry roads, finally time to unleash the car a bit more. The bushing insert I fitted yesterday I do feel causes NVH, not much but enough to the point I shall probably remove the bushing insert and just keep the uprated mount. :)

The car, the engine is totally awesome, huge torque between 1000-3000rpm and after 3000rpm it pulls like a train to 7000rpm limiter. The gearbox well I think you all know I like it.

Handling, its got grip, surprisingly more than I thought you really can get on the power pretty early, certainly earlier than the M3 surprising considering the extra power and torque this has. The dampers are fine under 50mph, but over 50mph the car just seems to get floaty, hit a bump or change lanes over a crest and it literally bounces in slow motion like a boat going over waves, its not scary or losing grip but the car in my view needs more high speed rebound as the dampers are not controlling things in the back of the car very well. Car turns in well, very well, fast direction changes and well its no M3 or 911, you can feel its size and bulk, you can certainly get it through a section of corners fast, but you need a very smooth approach to control the mass. In short the grip is excellent, the handling is OK, its no M car, I'd say it is more on parr with a 3/5 series with M suspension/wheels for handling and direction change. Where it wins over an M car is for traction, it has got grip and the LSD works very well I am finding. But the suspension as a whole just needs tightening up, it needs to roll a little less and it needs a slightly firmer ride with dampers with better control. Hopefully my suspension modifications will resolve these short falls and most of the shall falls are stemming from the rear suspension of the car, the front-end in my view just needs tightening a little, bigger roll bar, braces should sort that. The rear however feels rubberised, floaty and wonderous, I am sure it can be improved.

Still even with these downfalls, even if I had to live with them, I would still be sticking with the Mustang, because it has got real character and soul, something really missing from most modern cars these days and this car has it. :)

Oh now I've driven it in the dry and unleashed full throttle in 2nd gear upwards, its quick, I'd say its 911 quick, probably no faster though and probably a touch slower than M3, so yes it does need more power, to most people would feel over-whelmed but the whole idea of this car was to turn it into a 700+ horsepower monster after a years ownership, and now I can just imagine flooring it in 3rd with such power will be a true occasion, but I do absolutely love how this engine revs, for a V8 with so much torque it is very impressive that it revs so well. :)

Anyway work time! :)
My drive to work is normally a 20-30 minute affair, this morning I took a detour and took a good hour, dry roads, finally time to unleash the car a bit more. The bushing insert I fitted yesterday I do feel causes NVH, not much but enough to the point I shall probably remove the bushing insert and just keep the uprated mount. :)

The car, the engine is totally awesome, huge torque between 1000-3000rpm and after 3000rpm it pulls like a train to 7000rpm limiter. The gearbox well I think you all know I like it.

Handling, its got grip, surprisingly more than I thought you really can get on the power pretty early, certainly earlier than the M3 surprising considering the extra power and torque this has. The dampers are fine under 50mph, but over 50mph the car just seems to get floaty, hit a bump or change lanes over a crest and it literally bounces in slow motion like a boat going over waves, its not scary or losing grip but the car in my view needs more high speed rebound as the dampers are not controlling things in the back of the car very well. Car turns in well, very well, fast direction changes and well its no M3 or 911, you can feel its size and bulk, you can certainly get it through a section of corners fast, but you need a very smooth approach to control the mass. In short the grip is excellent, the handling is OK, its no M car, I'd say it is more on parr with a 3/5 series with M suspension/wheels for handling and direction change. Where it wins over an M car is for traction, it has got grip and the LSD works very well I am finding. But the suspension as a whole just needs tightening up, it needs to roll a little less and it needs a slightly firmer ride with dampers with better control. Hopefully my suspension modifications will resolve these short falls and most of the shall falls are stemming from the rear suspension of the car, the front-end in my view just needs tightening a little, bigger roll bar, braces should sort that. The rear however feels rubberised, floaty and wonderous, I am sure it can be improved.

Still even with these downfalls, even if I had to live with them, I would still be sticking with the Mustang, because it has got real character and soul, something really missing from most modern cars these days and this car has it. :)

Oh now I've driven it in the dry and unleashed full throttle in 2nd gear upwards, its quick, I'd say its 911 quick, probably no faster though and probably a touch slower than M3, so yes it does need more power, to most people would feel over-whelmed but the whole idea of this car was to turn it into a 700+ horsepower monster after a years ownership, and now I can just imagine flooring it in 3rd with such power will be a true occasion, but I do absolutely love how this engine revs, for a V8 with so much torque it is very impressive that it revs so well. :)

Anyway work time! :)

Interesting comment, just one question, when you refer to the M3 in comparison is that with your track beastie or are you thinking more in terms of the performance of a standard e46 M3?

I DO NOW ;) i've just brought somethnig.

this is staying a secret until i get it home :cool: you wont see anything on the Evo Forum either

Because it's TV from Curry's? :p
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