NEC LCD20WGX2 review *** UPDATED 25/02/06 ***

After seeing this thread i also want this mother of a pucker widescreen tft :D

but first i need to sell my 1 year old tft i bought from oc, and i'm wondering whether anybody know's if the 3 years manufacturer warranty is transferable or not ?
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ATI said:
can you confirm these are newer drivers and are there any fixes or difference from the downloaded ones to the one on the cd pls?
CD drivers are useful if you don't have the Internet connection. Anyhow, best option is to download the latest version of NaviSet or drivers itself (as explained above). Not sure about the fixes or differences (if any).
Kreeeee said:
Why, what benefits are there?
Well, your picture won't improve :) but usually monitor drivers are helping the system (video card) to know the optimal,maximum and specific settings the monitor can handle and that may include also the communication with the proper ICM colour profile and the operating system itself. Sometimes, specific monitor features also requires the presence of the manufacturer driver.

Generally, in Windows XP your PnP LCD monitor can run without any driver but at the same time I don't see particular reason why you shouldn't install the manufacturer driver even if there are no performance gains or if they are purely just cosmetic (to update that not-so-convincing plug & play monitor line in the device manager) :) Also, NaviSet software is able to operate only with the NEC driver.

Personally, I always prefer to install the manufacturer drivers for any device in question. Even if they are not needed.
Gibbo said:
Hi there

This monitor just won PC Formats 20" - 24" group test which included the Acer 24", Samsung 24", Benq FP202W 20", Viewsonic 23" and some others, note no DELLs were in the test. Well the NEC won it hands down, PC FORMAT 90% GOLD AWARD. :)

Makes me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad I own an NEC when I hear things like that! :D :D :D
MultiSync 20WGX2 arrived.
All working, and no obvious problems so far.
Must say I am impressed, god buy me thinks.

Nec monitor drivers installed.
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igors said:
Personally, I always prefer to install the manufacturer drivers for any device in question. Even if they are not needed.
Hmm... thanks for the information. I think that I'll stick with the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" idea.
@ igors & all owners

did yours come with any back bleed or sever bleeding in any corner?

hello people

Please HELP!

mine arried today and notice serious backbleed in the botttom right hand corner and slightly in the others.

Buzzing noise is coming from the back on standby mode.

weird flickering effect on random reboots starting from bios to desktop, will post pictures soon.

no dead pixels i can see.
what about the flashing ?

mine is connected with another 17tft both usinmg dvi, so you reckon thats causing a problem?

i,m using ati his x1900xt?

are using an ati or nvidia card?
ATI said:
what about the flashing ?

mine is connected with another 17tft both usinmg dvi, so you reckon thats causing a problem?

i,m using ati his x1900xt?

are using an ati or nvidia card?

ATi no bleeding no nothing here!
The bleed should fade. Mine was worse at the bottom right but now it almost seems even all over and only really noticeable at a angle.

My unit buzzes but its only noticeable when you stick your head round the back to check.
Gibbo said:
Hi there

This monitor just won PC Formats 20" - 24" group test which included the Acer 24", Samsung 24", Benq FP202W 20", Viewsonic 23" and some others, note no DELLs were in the test. Well the NEC won it hands down, PC FORMAT 90% GOLD AWARD. :)
Very nice :) Thx for the info

Also, PC World ranked the 20WMGX2 as the #1 20" WS monitor:

It's US version, but in essence technology is 100% identical. Maybe PC World reviews are not to everyone taste, but it's interesting to mention ... and oh my, we have female reviewer there: Laura Blackwell. Not everyday sight, definitely :D
ATI said:
did yours come with any back bleed or sever bleeding in any corner?
Nope. Maybe very faint, almost invisible trace in one of the corners, can't remember now, it was long ago :) Anyhow, panel uniformity settled nicely after burn-in and it was perfect.

ATI said:
Buzzing noise is coming from the back on standby mode.

ATI said:
weird flickering effect on random reboots starting from bios to desktop, will post pictures soon.
Definitely not. Maybe it's your video card or monitor cable ?

I really really hope that you are not unlucky :( as I remember that you was on the edge so long for this monitor.
Sorry its the same game but heres one more pic.

Truly is an immersive experience.

Just need to think about how I am going to clean the screen without scratching that nice glossy panel. :rolleyes:

hello guys

here are the pics, what do u guys make of it ?

i put back my original tft to the his x1900xt and nothing happens, not even once it mostly occurs from the bios all the way to desktop, from the pic it just shifts all the screen at one side of the screen.
@ igors

well u remmbered me from my 1st post i had a bad experience with philips and now this, i have posted some pics of what happens to the screen after some boots.

i do have a severe blled on the bottom right corner and the beep noise is still coming from the back?

how long did u burn in yours for?

and what did u do exactly?

u think its the cable?
ATI said:
i put back my original tft to the his x1900xt and nothing happens, not even once it mostly occurs from the bios all the way to desktop, from the pic it just shifts all the screen at one side of the screen.

Sorry to hear about your problems :( If your old monitor is working just fine with the same video card and if you have picture shifts even in bios (during the post) and during the windows load ... I seriously suspect that monitor is faulty.

About high pitched noise when the monitor is in standby ... well not quite sure about that one. Strange it is. I remember that few people posted here about this, for some of them it gone away, but generally it's not common issue definitely.

My advice is that you call the NEC @ 08701 201160 and tell them about your problems. I'm sure that they will be helpful. Maybe best option is that NEC swap the monitor for you.

Hopefully, things will settle down for you nicely.
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