NEC LCD20WGX2 review *** UPDATED 25/02/06 ***

Confusion said:
been looking at these. Is it actually worth getting?

Reading so many things on here which indicate they are just riddled with problems :(

Yeah reading through a lot of people seemed to have had a lot of problems. Proportionally, I dont know how many that is compared to how many have bought it...But for the ones who have had no problems, its seems to be a great screen..

I myself had no problems *taps his head*. And it IS a great screen..The design looks great too.
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To be fair I think if you look in all the threads on diff monitors here and on other sites its pretty similiar. There will always be horror/bad luck stories on most things.

I can only voice my total satisfaction with my NEC 20". Altho its the first tft I've bought coming from crts, I have a lot of experience with tfts from work etc and have seen many diff models in action. The NEC is head and shoulders above the lot of them.
Deyvy said:
Yeah reading through a lot of people seemed to have had a lot of problems. Proportianlly, I dont know how many that is compared to how many have bought it...But for the ones who have had no problems, its seems to be a great screen..

I myself had no problems *taps his head*. And it IS a great screen..The design looks great too.
Plenty of people bought this screen and had no problems. Reported problems in the threads are usually looking more dramatic simply because people will post more about them. Many people who didn't have problems didn't bothered to post about it. So in essence, when we are talking about the balance of working/faulty scenario and when you combine the numbers of units sold by OcUK, I think that there is really no reason for panic. Bezel or buzzing problems some people reported here are definitely not major ones and we have really few situations that screen is completely dead or seriously faulty on arrival. I can understand that people are extremely cautious when purchasing the monitors online. However, they are really & very well protected with the monitor warranty in case of any unfortunate event. Yes, RMA route is a pain sometimes (in NEC case is pretty much straightforward) ... and in majority of cases things will turn out nicely at the end.

Regarding 20WGX2 rating ... well I personally think that it's the best 20" LCD money can buy right now (if you don't mind slight price difference). I've seen people downgrading from the new 22" TN panels and even from 24" panels to NEC, simply because of the PQ. NEC is currently fastest gaming monitor (and gamers choice) and have excellent colour quality too. If you combine the AS-IPS panel technology (and that means really great colours), exceptional gaming performance and many add-on features: 1600:1 Advanced DV dynamic contrast, OptiClear, proper 1:1 pixel mapping with very good scaler and support for all 3 modes (1:1, stretching, stretching but keep aspect ratio), excellent NEC support ... well, what more cold you wish for :) Regarding design, I like it too and it's quite refreshing - and it's even more nicely matched with other components as nowadays people usually do have silver components. Somewhat, I'm bored with all that black bezel outlines around ;)

I see on the forum here that 2007FWP is major rival. It's probably second good option if you are on the budget and it's good value for money. It has nice colours and PQ, it's slower then NEC and doesn't have dynamic contrast. Also, Dell started to play panel lottery again and you may get S-PVA (although Dell is surprisingly quite about this). S-PVA does have nice colour saturation but maybe is not so optimal choice for photo editing because of the off perpendicular colour shift and doesn't have such great gaming potential as NEC. I think that NEC is probably more "modern" and advanced panel and price difference is not that substantial any more (at least in Europe).

So, yes, in my view NEC is still holding the 20" crown ... without any single shadow of doubt.
The "Aspect" scaling option on this monitor doesn't work properly. It always scales up to a 4:3 proportioned image, even if the input signal is widescreen.
Confusion said:
been looking at these. Is it actually worth getting?

Reading so many things on here which indicate they are just riddled with problems :(

Mine works a treat to.
No high pitched noise, no bezel problems and no dead pixels.
1st Flat screen I have purchased (always been a crt person) its replaced my old 19" IIyama vision master pro, and i've never looked back.
Picture quality is extremely sharp and crisp.
Playing games is a treat to behold, unlike other flat screens I have seen in the past (old ones granted, thats why I always liked crt's)

Took a while to get used to widescreen though :)

Plus PC Format gave it the gold award out of 10 or so monitors in July's issue (possibly August, threw the mag away now).
Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. 360 looks nasty on this monitor without a lot of tweaking. These settings get rid of the interference for me and generally make 360 look great:

Brightness - 100
Contrast - 60
Advanced DV - OFF
Colour Mode - Native

It's a shame the aspect scaling mode does not work properly. You either have to display the 360's 1280x720 at a small 1:1 or fully stretched to 16:10. The supposed aspect ratio preserving scale distorts 1280x720 in to 4:3. :rolleyes:
Took delivery of one of these today. Worked great for an hour - was really impressed with it, that was until it powered itself off and now it won't switch on again :confused:

I was just surfing and chatting on MSN and the screen powered itself off. I've tried another power cable but it appears to be totally dead. No power light, no power to USB ports, nothing....

Looks like RMA time - shame I spent £18.95 on Saturday delivery.... :(

Does anyone know the average lead time for a replacement to be sent under NEC warranty?
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sorry to hear that, my first one done exactly the same thing, it lasted about an hour and then just switched off. New one's excellent though.
I called NEC yesterday and was offered a repair or brand new replacement. Obviously I opted for a new one, but there isn't an ETA at the moment :(

Apparently the delay on the ETA has something to do with the new revision which is coming out soon...
Sorry to hear your problems mate.

I've been interested in this screen for a while and a friend owns one of these so I went to see it in action on Saturday. After reading up on it I was quite skeptical about the glossy finish but after having a good look at it I was left rather impressed.

Prob going to order one today as it's a cracking deal this week

Upgrading from a 19" Sammy 930BF which has been a great monitor but I'm looking for a bigger resolution for gaming
Well for the 50mins I did see it in action I was really impressed. The opticlear coating really brings the screen to life imo. It is pretty expensive, but well worth the extra cash if you can afford it. My brother has a Viewsonic VX2025WM which is excellent and a lot cheaper, but the NEC is in another league - no doubt about that.
Yep, was going to go for the 21" Samsung or the Viewsonic if I didn't like the glossy screen but as you say it really does bring things to life.

It's a shame you've had issues but I guess you've just been one of the unlucky ones. Hope you get it resolved soon :)
i got my monitor today and I'm bitterly disappointed with the image quality

maybe i haven't configured it properly can anyone help

whats the best settings i should use

Sem said:
i got my monitor today and I'm bitterly disappointed with the image quality

oh dear that's not so good, what monitor were you using previously?

Just went and ordered mine there just now, should get it delivered for tomorrow hopefully :cool:
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