NEC LCD20WGX2 review *** UPDATED 25/02/06 ***

I have been waiting for the Viewsonic, and now this is out and they are both the same price!! Might get the NEC as the OP loves it so much. :)
MrLOL said:
im just seriously tempted to save the £80 and have the philips.

cos we reckon the philips probably uses the same LG Philips IPS panel as in the NEC dont we ?

the specs of the Philips are very confusing. They look very much like the specs of a P-MVA panel, in fact the exact same specs as the Belinea 102035W. The spec may of course be different, and perhaps it is using the same panel as the NEC (maybe even rated properly at 6ms) but we do not know. It would make sense for Philips to be using an LG.Philips screen, but they haven't been very helpful in clearing up the confusion.
Baddass said:
the specs of the Philips are very confusing. They look very much like the specs of a P-MVA panel, in fact the exact same specs as the Belinea 102035W. The spec may of course be different, and perhaps it is using the same panel as the NEC (maybe even rated properly at 6ms) but we do not know. It would make sense for Philips to be using an LG.Philips screen, but they haven't been very helpful in clearing up the confusion.

ive ordered one anyway while they are on special

if its not as good as i hoped ill just return it for a refund sharpish, and wait for the NEC to come in

ill post more on Tuesday when it arrives :)
Review is now live on tftcentral. It's first and exclusive review of this monitor. Check out the first page of the thread for more info.
I would just like to thank igors personally for doing such a cool review. ;)
I have been looking for ages for a decent TFT screen to replace my 19" CRT and I think this could be to one. Im really picky when it comes to choosing a new screen because it's something im going to be staring at for years to come so I want to know that I have made the right choice. Thanks to igors I can now buy with confidence. Well done mate and keep up the good work!

Just need to save now. . . :rolleyes:
Agreed, igors you really went abve and beyond the call of duty with this one. Full kudos goes to you, and thanks for persuading me to get it. :D

Not sure how to thank you for such nice compliments, really :) & thank you Baddass for publishing my review live.

Personally, I think that review (especially draft version on the forum) is also not strictly "monitor" related. Many other, broad questions, are covered like widescreen aspects from the user perspective, LCD technology from the global & user perspective, users transition from CRT technology, gaming sector is this time covered properly :) and review "style" is probably much more user friendly. Apart from everything else, that's maybe imperative advantage of this review.

Also, I liked the idea to include the questions & worries from the forum users and include my responses. It's much more interesting and it's somehow new approach in the writing of the review itself. It's delivering the message in a clear and direct sense.
Richdog said:
Well, hopefully you'll decide to stick around this forum too and add some more input to things. :)
Well, review is done and I'm still typing here & there ;) Guess I'm stuck.
i really like this monitor and i plan to keep it for at least 2 years

but the lack of HDCP really puts me off

do you think HDCP will be mandatory in 2 years time?
I can't wait until I will buy this screen! :) But I guess my dad would kill me if I "wasted" more money on my computer right now :D . I'll save up a month or two, and I should have at least more than £200-250 more. I hope this screen is as good as you state ;)
Only thing putting me off is that shinny finish to the screen as shown in the behardware review , which shows it to be very reflective. Igors is it rearly that reflective, to be annoying?
Review of the review

pfk said:
There's an excellent review of this monitor on BeHardware now.
In all honesty, couple of things are still puzzling me from the Vincent review.

"NEC hasn´t improved its black" ??

- If black is not deep here, I simply don't know where it is ?! It's *much* better than on my home cinema LCD, my old CRT and other LCD panels I had opportunity to see live.

"But is it a monitor destined for gaming? The answer isn´t easy. The wide format might be unappealing for some."

?! - This doesn't make sense. Widescreen panel is targeting the specific audience, and with every right. It's personal choice and it's purely dependant for what purpose you want to use this monitor for. As I said before, desktop in the WS mode is pretty cool for me. Now, my office 4:3 panel looks pretty strange to me. Not to mention that FOV is much more natural to the eye than 4:3. Is the widescreen destined for gaming ??? Come on Vincent, do you really believe in what are you trying to say here ?

"Also, if this format is good for some FPS, it isn´t with strategy games where it’s best to have more height to avoid scrolling too much."

- Again, doesn't make sense. When using the non-WS panels you have to scroll to much horizontally in strategy games ?! Simply, don't know what he is trying to tell. Also, WS native resolution is 1680 x 1050 and that's in my book really pretty number of pixels, so again less scrolling in RTS. To achieve 1650x1050 or more pixels on the CRT "acceptable" level you need one really large CRT monitor and that's definitely huge waste of desk space and not to mention that it looks just horrible.

"Twinkling effects in movies"

- Step back while watching movies, what's wrong with that ? Did you ever tried close up with your LCD TV ? It's quite bad, honestly. Important thing is that panel is "fast" and fast motion sequences are rendered properly. Even my home cinema LCD TV is slower than NEC. Not to mention colours as they are much more vibrant here.

"Too bright standard adjustment"

- Again, doesn't make sense. It's controllable and it's not something which is always ON. Maybe some people like extra mile in the brightness of the screen, who knows.

"Not vertically adjustable"

- Is that really important ? You can tilt it (it's supported) or use adjustable chair ;)

** EDIT **

In review, why just few words about the Advanced DVM ???

** EDIT again #2 *** (sorry, still reading the review. French version was simply unbearable for proper reading)

"So, has the LCD finally reached the quality of the CRT in games? No, not yet."

- Come on ... we all know that much. But ... is that really so ? and why he thinks that ? and how thin (or thick) for him is really that border line between those two technologies. Simply put, it's not elaborated properly ... but "some" explanation is following:

"Even at 60 Hz, a good CRT (sharp, because many CRTs are a bit blurred) remains more accurate than the fastest of LCDs. The image isn’t too attractive, but the reaction time is better. So imagine at 85 HZ…"


On the picture where he is visually comparing the CRT/LCD monitors ... what do you think which monitor your wife (or missy) would prefer in your pretty house (or flat) ?

CRT is dying. Get over it and "let go".
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Yeah he didn't sound like he liked it too much. I bet he has a massive bright lightbulb above his head or something and it narked him off due to the reflection.

"But is it a monitor destined for gaming? The answer isn´t easy. The wide format might be unappealing for some."

Say whaaaat!? Widescreen gaming is the future man!
greywolf said:
Igors is it rearly that reflective, to be annoying?
I think that I already elaborated that in the review ;)

Anyhow, If you stare at the black & blank screen, of course that this could be probably annoying, but monitor screen is not that boring all the time :) That "mirror" picture of Vincent in the review is when the monitor is "off". I can recognise it. When it's on, reflections are slightly dimmed because of the panel luminosity. Also, he has very strong lamp just in front of the monitor ?? When gaming, you *may* see reflections in dark passages (like in that F.E.A.R scene from my review), but generally it's not something to write home about and most importantly such scenes are not happening just all the time.

Guys, it's very difficult for me to comment the glossy screen on your behalf. It's really personal. I think that picture improvements are simply worth it ... and isn't that really more important - improved picture.
Here's an odd question for you igors! Does that screen coating make the thing any more resistant to scratches or fingerprints? I have a niece and nephews who like to point and touch the screen, ya see :)
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