need some advice (headbutted a member of public)

11 Feb 2004
ok i'll try and keep this short
Im a security guard.
my current job title is " car park security ".

today i was asking someone "nicely" not to park in a staff bay and they flipped their lid and had me by the throat. so i pulled away and then headbutted the guy and he was half on the floor and half in the footwell of his car, his nose was bleeding and he said he was gonna report me. he got in his car and wheeled spinned off.

obviously headbutting someone is a bit over the top but he did assault me first.
if he does report me who do you recon would get into trouble the most?
after all he hit me first lol.

jeez 10 weeks into my first security job and up until today i've had no problems.
I had a similar incident, if you get called in say that the guy was trying to get past you and you clashed heads, or something very similar to that, don't say you nutted him, the police will arrest you for ABH.
Edit : that is if its not on camera, then nothing you say will help, just try and make it sound like you were doing your job and he was the aggressor and you should be fine.
make sure you report the initial assault to at least your bosses, along with any details of the person who commited it.
ok i'll try and keep this short
if he does report me who do you recon would get into trouble the most?
after all he hit me first lol..

You most likely as he didn't cause you any harm, threatening behavior or not you were the first to cause actual bodily harm.

My advice would be to report the incident immediatly, you don't want them to think you are trying to hide anything.
if it was a reaction because he was grabbing you by the throat, think you'll be mostly ok, more of a twitch reaction than contemplating the best way of breaking his face tbh

no chance of CCTV catching it?
say you felt threatened by his actions (which you obviously did) and were worried about your safety and did the simplest thing to remove that threat.

You acted in self defence, quite obviously, any cctv or anything to corroborate (sp?) your story?

they don't have to strike first for you to act in self defence. In any situation you can use reasonable and measured force to defend yourself if you feel you are at risk. This doesn't sound as though you've done anything but that.

Inform your employer and seek their advice as to whether to speak to the police. You were assaulted.
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File a report of assault to your boss(s)? Explaining the situation and how you had to stave off the assault in self defence.

Edit - Damn you Mad rapper!!
If he had you by the THROAT then what else are you supposed to do? Let the man strangle you or possibly damage the plethora of essential structures in your neck?

Make sure you make it official yourself... Self defense nothing more imo
You felt in danger for your life.Thus you had every right to defend yourself.

Anyone whom feels thier life is in danger can use force to defend it.
It is written in law, but you must state the above.
If he had you by the THROAT then what else are you supposed to do? Let the man strangle you or possibly damage the plethora of essential structures in your neck?

Make sure you make it official yourself... Self defense nothing more imo

The trouble with this is there are many ways of removing such a threat that don't require headbutting people in the face, which arguably someone working in security should have at least a basic knowledge of.
The trouble with this is there are many ways of removing such a threat that don't require headbutting people in the face, which arguably someone working in security should have at least a basic knowledge of.

No. There is no list detailing what constitutes 'minimum force'. He struck his assailant once which was sufficent to end his assault, then he did not offer any further violence. Textbook IMHO.
It's not textbook at all. Read the OP again. He was already out of danger when he head butted the man. He had no reason to head butt him except for anger. Don't drop the soap :p
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