need some advice (headbutted a member of public)

While the guy was on the ground one phrase came to mind "This is sssssssssssssppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (sparta lol ) !!!!!!
Don't worry mate.
A bouncer knocked my mates front teeth out, police didn't even care when he wanted to report him.
some bouncers would probably get away with murder theres a few right nasty ones in newcastle who start more trouble than the people slaughtred on a night out.

one of my wifes friends is an ex para and he even got targeted by one notorious bouncer in the city centre, obviously he picked on the wrong bloke that night :p

ridiculous tbh they should be peace keepers not thugs
If he had hold of your throat, he had assaulted you and was posing a significant threat to you. It doesn't take much to do serious or even fatal damage to a person's throat.

I think you'd have a good chance of aquittal in a trial, but your employers might well not be happy about it anyway.
Security guards, PCSOs and CSOs all have massive complexes, not necessarily you OP, so you'd have a tough time if this came to a trial I think.

Although, I would've done very similar to you if someone had hold of my THROAT.

"Me?... Headbut?... Him....??? Nooo... You must be thinking of my twin! He's moved to Australia, sorry mate."
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