Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

I think i'll pack it in and reverse back to normal. I'll definitely look into replacing the CPU cooler soon though. Then maybe try again. Is a CPU Cooler easy (for a complete clutz) to change?
How do I go about changing the settings back? Just put the OC tuner back to auto?
Okay will do,
Not sure what you mean by the above!
Thank you very much for the assistance though I really appreciate it, I'll buy a new HS next month, maybe a reasonably good one, and post back into this thread if you're still willing to help.

As I've said I appreciate it considerably, you've been great and taught me lots.

(I think I've managed to change all settings back)

Edit: if you know a HS, up to £50 if necessary,which will future proof the build, I'd accept the advice!! :)
Just photos of my Cooler, For reference, and for you to see if I have pushpins and laugh at me


Edit: Wow those are some mis-shapen photos!
Hi Plec, just thought i'd update you, unfortunately a few things have suddenly come up so I will have to put off the upgrading of my system. A real bummer but I really hope to be able to do it some time soon. We will have to see.
As i've said previously, thank you very much for assisting me
I know! Happy about that, gives us time to prepare for next season know and hopefully push on for the play offs, Would be handy if the saints could lend us Charlie Austin back as well ;)
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