Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

That will do the job - it's a Titan Universal CPU Cooler.

Give it a good blow out and clean with a paint brush (or nick your wife's blusher brush) - and see if your noise reduces.

EDIT: I suspect your GPU fans are probably worse - they're a nightmare for attracting and trapping dust - making them get noisier and noisier.
Okay, will do!
So that's cut down on one thing I need to do, Progress!
I'll look at the BIOS over the weekend and see if I can figure out what i'm doing. Then i'll look into OC'ing the CPU then look at buying the GPU. I may pop back when wanting to actually go ahead with the BIOS upgrade.

But thank you both very much for your help
Not a problem - if I get time i'll take a peek at your MB manual - but suspect the flash process is the same as most.

Get a spare USB stick and format it using fat 32 in preparation for the BIOS. I'll guide you through it - or someone else will if they get here first - it really is relatively straight forward.

But I only work in the BIOS - really recommend you don't use the Windows method.
It's only a very small file (talking ~4Mbs) - it's usually a compatibly issue.

Any stick up to 8gb will be fine once formatted - some larger sticks have issues so I tend to stick with 8gb sticks
Don't forget to take photos of your BIOS settings before you flash - every page and remember to scroll down and go to sub menus.

You may be able to save a profile to your memory stick - but the new BIOS may not accept it (great feature :/).

Probably seems confusing but get hitting that delete button on boot and start familiarising yourself with the BIOS/UEFI - just remember to press Esc and DON'T save changes when you exit. ;)
Additional: Download Real Temp and stress your CPU - Prime95 is a solid choice - and monitor your temps and the noise for 10 minutes under load (it max all 4 cores). Also make a note of the idle temps - but these aren't as important...

This will enable us to ensure your cooler is running as expected and you'll hear instantly if the cooler in your noise problem.
I downloaded Real Temp, opened up Load tester, selected all and pressed load and there's been no real change in noise, just the temperature appears to have gone up around 5 for each core. Does that sound correct? Or have I done that wrong! haha
You need to run the prime 95 and monitor Real Temp and the temp change over 10 minutes (5 minutes will get the job done but 10 will show if it begins to creep up after an extended period.).

What were your ilde temps before you did the quick load tester?

This is a belt and braces test - and gives us a base bench mark to work from - before we introduce a new BIOS and clock...
Ten minute test completed using Prime95:
Temperature rose slowly to a maximum of 66-68-69-68. There was a very slight increase in fan noise.

Sound good?
Perfect - no need for new cooler and will do the job for a medium clock while keeping things cool and quiet.

Great - saved yourself ~£25
Hello again!
PC has been suitable cleaned and I have looked at the BIOS menu and taken photos of a large quantity of settings. Didn't want to delve ointo some bits incase I pressed a wrong button!

I've found the bit where I can update the BIOS with the flash thing.

What would be the next steps?
Next step is me (or someone else) talking you through the process - although they're all relatively similar.

Unfortunately - I need to browse your manual (and be sure to explain it properly) but i'm busy right now (Easter and kids :)) - but will be free later so will come back then and guide you through it.

Someone else may pop along and run you through it before i'm back (like I said it's not difficult - more nerve tingling for the first timer) - but again, don't do it through windows...
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That's absolutely fine, enjoy your the rest of your long weekend!
If you do happen to get the time that would be great, but otherwise i'm sure I can find another way :)
OK, got 20 minutes - are you sure you have the right BIOS downloaded for the revision of your motherboard (assuming it has been revised may not have)?
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