Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

Okay back in bios and with new version hurray!

Great you've done your first flash (sounds odd reading back) - now you can do belt and braces and reset the CMOS - but that's quite old school.

Or you can get straight to it and start adding your old settings back in - probably the easiet for now as i'm going to have to go very soon.
I don't know what any of that means so I think I'll add my old settings back in!

Hehe - not a problem.

Start adding your old settings and then use and abuse your computer for a while - but I don't expect you to have any problems (famous last words) - unless you enter an odd setting by mistake.

Remember - Esc and not saving settings is your friend if you make a mistake you can't change. Otherwise, when your done press F10 and save changes and quit.

You can enter bits at a time if that makes it easier for you.
It appears none of the settings have actually changed, as they were all set to auto anyway.
Is that it? Have I successfully not ruined my pc?
Brilliant! Thank you very much for your help, you've been great.

I'll look for another tutor for the overclocking so I don't waste anymore of your time!!
Not a problem.

If you're doing the overclock now - let peeps know that you only want a modest clock - maximum 4.3Ghz - stability is key for you, no need to push it.

You may find that it runs 4.3 on auto - just by upping the multiplier - (had a quick look at 'AI Tweaker' in your BIOS - it really is simple process compared to my p67).

You will also need to set your memory - easiest to use the XMP. But when clocking, if using manual, in the 'Ai Tweaker - you can choose the frequency easily enough - but timings will require more of a search (someone will explain - but I doubt your memory is running at full speed).

Keep your energy saving settings (speedstep etc if possible - shouldn't be an issue with a moderate clock) - and whatever you do don't be talked into using an auto overclock tool (you wouldn't on these forums without a fight breaking out between members).

Should be relatively straight forward - got to go now - best of luck.
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Ok, i'm back and have 30 minutes (replied in your other thread).

If you don't appear i'll be on later tonight...
I'm afraid I won't be able to attempt it till tomorrow now, possibly the morning possibly the evening, thank you very much for trying to take the time to help though, much appreciated
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