Netflix: Drive to Survive

Good AI overview:

3 episodes in and really not enjoying the reality TV, Kardashian-like scripted encounters. There might’ve been some loosely directed scenes in previous seasons but it’s blatantly obvious now and just distracting.

Still wondering how much Horny Horners bit on the side got paid to go away :D
I watched the first series and then struggled through the second, thought they were both awful, then didn't bother again until last year.

I thought last years was a lot better and am three episodes in this year and finding it far more enjoyable than those first two years.
3 episodes in and really not enjoying the reality TV, Kardashian-like scripted encounters. There might’ve been some loosely directed scenes in previous seasons but it’s blatantly obvious now and just distracting.

Still wondering how much Horny Horners bit on the side got paid to go away :D

Same feeling here. I will watch the rest of it but I think this might be the last one I watch. I'm much more interested in the sport than the circus around it.

Still can't believe Horner got through that incident, most organisations would have sacked him these days.
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I also sometimes watch this if I'm really bored. But I can't make a full episode. I don't really like anything about it. How each episode is a different topic rather than chronological.
How is all enhanced drama.

Maybe I'd watch it if it was out in mid winter. But the time is released in thinking about the next season, and pervious season is too far in the past to care

All out is to me is some f1 in the down time. But it's so cringe. But then I don't like reality TV and stuff like that
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Still wondering how much Horny Horners bit on the side got paid to go away :D
Well she hasn't has she :confused: See notes of the Reporting Restricting Order in other threads. Hence why DTS (presumably, I've not watched it) can't really cover it. Isn't the appeal set for Dec '26 or something daft.

Anyway. I've not watched DTS since 2021. Sounds like it's generally got worse since then, I read a blurb about the opening scene of this season and thought "nah I don't need any of that in my life" :D I think watching those two riding horses around their country estate like they're William and Kate is what made me switch off last time...
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I generally only watch it these days to see if we get any new 'behind the scenes' stuff like when they showed the cars off to the drivers when Mercedes went for the drastic change to the thin body and you got their reactions.

Leans too heavy on fabricating drama for the sake of it these days.
Leans too heavy on fabricating drama for the sake of it these days.

It’s actually the opposite, it now has considerably less fake drama then the earlier seasons did.

Agree about watching it mainly for the behind the scenes bits.

I think F1 fans are too spoiled now though. Id have killed for a show like this in the 90s, 00s etc.
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Slow watching this years, all over years I have got through it in a weekend. The behind the scenes and team stuff in the background is what makes this show.

Episode 5, Charles speaking about his dad has absolutely ruined me, I lied to my dad on his deathbed too and my god it haunts you. Upon watching this, am I glad that Charles got an F1 drive and got that Monaco win, that's some proper feel good story there.
Didnt expect to cry, but here we are, onwards to Ep 6.
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