Netflix is going up to £9.99 & £13.99 next month

TBH close to cancelling they better have some good new content coming - there has only been 1-2 shows that justify paying for me and that is getting tenuous - so much is insipid rubbish.
TBH close to cancelling they better have some good new content coming - there has only been 1-2 shows that justify paying for me and that is getting tenuous - so much is insipid rubbish.

yeah it’s getting abit rubbish . They lost marvel , that was a BIG loss. Cobra Kai season 3 Just finished... only so much Star Trek re-runs I can watch lol.

had an email off virgin saying my basic cable/phone package is going up from £25 to £28.50 in March . Will be cancelling that lol. I only used it for my Xbox for downloads :D

I’ll use another person to get a new account and some cashback offer.

Btw I’d you want pc components get them NOW . USA companies have lost tax discounts.
I’m keeping it. The whole house can watch at once, in 4K and personally, I can always find something to watch. My list is already about 40 or so movies and series deep.
I will probably also cancel. Currently paying for the top package, but content hasn't been great this year.

I'm also surprised their upping their prices, they most have had a good year last year with everyone being at home
I will probably also cancel. Currently paying for the top package, but content hasn't been great this year.

I'm also surprised their upping their prices, they most have had a good year last year with everyone being at home

Depends what you're measuring by.

A place I work is reporting moderately increased sales compared to last year and simultaneously that profits are halved.

The businesses that can be open may very well be doing more business but costs of doing business went up a lot more.

So Netflix is probably increasing the cost to the user to claw back some profit margin.
Don't netflix never offer reduced price retainment subscriptions if you cancel, as nowtv does,

pretty sure nowtv look to see if you have watched much material and give you a counter offer based on that - kept it for £1.50 during last 9 months but cancelled now.
I’m keeping it. The whole house can watch at once, in 4K and personally, I can always find something to watch. My list is already about 40 or so movies and series deep.

Same here. There is soooo much good content on it. I don't like that they do keep pushing the price up (was it that long ago since the last increase?) but at the same time, I probably watch about 1 to 2 hours of Netflix a day, on average. It's my most watched network, by quite a way. (42 shows, next is 17...)

Not too bad if you share it but in Dec 2019 Netflix has made a statement saying they going to crack down on account sharing from outside the household.

It's shared with one other person (my Dad) who lives alone, and if / once they do crack down and possibly close my account, then they'll lose another subscriber and I imagine many more will do the same. We live in the same town anyway, so hopefully it only picks up long distant sharing.
I have Netflix Premium as a part of my SkyQ so don't believe this will affect me. Though I wouldn't mind the increase too much if I still had it separate. I don't sub to anything other than Sky Q + Netflix and Spotify.
Well of they didn't keep flushing 100's of millions of dollars down the toilet on garbage films, they might be able to keep the prices reasonable.

I too share with the family outside of the house so I'll get linched if I cancel.
It’s still not a bad price though.

When you start adding all the separate subscriptions up, Prime Video, Disney+ and AppleTV etc it can start to get out of hand. For me, I pay for prime anyway and will only subscribe to Disney+ and AppleTV for a month at a time when specific shows are on.

I'm hoping we see some kind of all in one package eventually for the video services. I think Hulu in the US offers something along those lines?
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I checked my package to see about cancelling but even though it's showing the increase to £9.99 mine is still at £11.99 so not sure if/when it will go up, I'm going to keep monitoring it and when it does jump to £13.99 I'll either drop down to £9.99 or just cancel because I'm finding less and less to watch and with prices climbing I can't justify the spend.

I do let my dad use it and when the 'clampdown' was announced in December 2019 thought well he can't use it anymore but that's over 12 months ago and they can still access it so not sure when they are going to implement this.
Is the price to reflect the new content coming though?

I really hope they've got some new decent content on the way, as there's only a handful of good stuff and then it's packed in with absolute ****.

The number of times I've picked out a movie based on what sounds like a good plot summary, to then find it absolutely trash, a quick check on imdb to find a sub 4 rating.

It's like they've just filled their library up with as much cheap **** as they can so they can boast about having a vast amount of content.

Not too bad if you share it but in Dec 2019 Netflix has made a statement saying they going to crack down on account sharing from outside the household.

I think that'd be the final nail in the coffin for most people. I bet most people will say they only put up with the steep price because they share it amongst friends/family.
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