Netgear D7000 VDSL modem/router

2 Jun 2009

Here's what I suggest. Go over to the SkyUser forum:

In that message you will find download links two two programs, choose the one you want to use, the explanations of the two are there. Download the pdf from that page too. Read the pdf, run the program.

The program will give you all the correct info from your existing Sky router, Username password, Option 60 field AND the correct MAC address to use.

Enter those details into the D7000 and fire it up.

See how you get on.

Sorry been a busy few days!

I've followed the guide and it produced a different password from the I was using. I put that password into the D7000 and it's helped a bit. Previously it was dropping about every 30 mins but now it seems to be 2-4 per day.

I got DSLstats up and working but is it just all the info from the stats section you need?

Here's a sample from the router log in case that helps,

[Time synchronized with NTP server] Wednesday, November 04,2015 18:00:10
[Internet connected] IP address: 188.223.x.x Wednesday, November 04,2015 18:00:05
[DSL: Up] Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:59:38
[Internet disconnected] Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:59:12
[DSL: Down] Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:59:07
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:57:03
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:45:53
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 16:54:19
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 16:48:56
[Time synchronized with NTP server] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:26:25
[Internet connected] IP address: 188.223.x.x Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:26:11
[DSL: Up] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:25:44
[Internet disconnected] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:25:19
[DSL: Down] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:25:14

Cheers for the help
19 Oct 2005
Here's some basic router stats after an a couple hours up. Will telnet tomorrow some time. Not entirely sure what i'm looking for! :p

19 Apr 2012
Here's some basic router stats after an a couple hours up. Will telnet tomorrow some time. Not entirely sure what i'm looking for! :p


There isn't really much info there apart from your down/up speeds along with SNR and line power. Best to get the stats from the telnet.
2 Jan 2015
When i said £269.99 i meant for the D7800. I grabbed the D7000 for £139.99 so it was a big difference to match chipsets. :)

My wireless latency has always been very good with a HH4 and not that dissimilar from wired, give or take a ms or two. Just wondering whether i should plug my PS4 straight into the router now instead of a switch to keep the latency low.

It's 200m as the crow flies but checking google earth for the distance the line goes it's closer to 375m. Does seem like in the last few weeks the speed has gone up from 54-56 up to nearly 60mbps.

Hardwired to Switch or direct to router will not make much difference as long as the switch is working properly. If latency is that important forget wireless all together and stick to wired for everything. 400M should still yield 65+Mb.
19 Oct 2005
It's a gigabit switch connected straight to the router. Need it to wire up all my devices under the TV. Just wondering about latency on the PS4.

Already having a good experience with the D7000, wireless is lightning fast. I was surprised how large the box is, it's massive! Speeds seem to be creeping up and latency is going down. Was around 30ms last night and now down to 22ms.

I feel like I'm only scraping the surface of what this can do.
30 Nov 2012
Same as me, I have a few items around the TV, HiFi, BluRay Sky box. They are all into a five port Netgear switch in the TV cabinet ( hidden out of the way because of SWMBO ). I then have powerline ( Devolo 1200's ), one next to the D7000, one in my wife's study and one in my study with a 16 port switch there too. My DSL latency is about 5ms and the powerline adaptors add another 2ms. Wifi is only used for the mobile kit.
19 Apr 2012
It's a gigabit switch connected straight to the router. Need it to wire up all my devices under the TV. Just wondering about latency on the PS4.

Already having a good experience with the D7000, wireless is lightning fast. I was surprised how large the box is, it's massive! Speeds seem to be creeping up and latency is going down. Was around 30ms last night and now down to 22ms.

I feel like I'm only scraping the surface of what this can do.

You'll maybe find that you have been put on interleaving or banded profiles due to an issue before and over the next few weeks the speeds will increase and latency will go down. My line is always improving still and has been running the best it has since going live a year ago.
19 Oct 2005
You'll maybe find that you have been put on interleaving or banded profiles due to an issue before and over the next few weeks the speeds will increase and latency will go down. My line is always improving still and has been running the best it has since going live a year ago.

When i first got the line in 2013 it was a solid 72mbps for a few months and then crept down to 54mbps. It's in the last few months it's crept back up to 60mbps.

My latency has never been as good as ADSL2 though and have always been 30ms on fibre compared to 16ms.
2 Jun 2009
Sorry been a busy few days!

I've followed the guide and it produced a different password from the I was using. I put that password into the D7000 and it's helped a bit. Previously it was dropping about every 30 mins but now it seems to be 2-4 per day.

I got DSLstats up and working but is it just all the info from the stats section you need?

Here's a sample from the router log in case that helps,

[Time synchronized with NTP server] Wednesday, November 04,2015 18:00:10
[Internet connected] IP address: 188.223.x.x Wednesday, November 04,2015 18:00:05
[DSL: Up] Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:59:38
[Internet disconnected] Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:59:12
[DSL: Down] Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:59:07
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:57:03
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 17:45:53
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 16:54:19
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Wednesday, November 04,2015 16:48:56
[Time synchronized with NTP server] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:26:25
[Internet connected] IP address: 188.223.x.x Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:26:11
[DSL: Up] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:25:44
[Internet disconnected] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:25:19
[DSL: Down] Wednesday, November 04,2015 14:25:14

Cheers for the help

I've just managed to capture one of the drop outs while DSLstats was running, I can see a number of the graphs are showing spikes\drops but I'm not really sure what I'm looking at? :confused:
30 Nov 2012
I've just managed to capture one of the drop outs while DSLstats was running, I can see a number of the graphs are showing spikes\drops but I'm not really sure what I'm looking at? :confused:

Navigate to the following folder.


In there you'll see a load of files, DSLStats stores lots of data.

Look for the 'Stats-2015***********.txt file, the latest one may do, the one that date matches your last re-sync would be better and post the data from that.

You could also set up a account which will post all of the data to the Website, this is really useful for realtime analysis of intermittent issues. You would need to keep the PC running DSLStats on though so it's constantly posting data.
2 Jun 2009
Navigate to the following folder.


In there you'll see a load of files, DSLStats stores lots of data.

Look for the 'Stats-2015***********.txt file, the latest one may do, the one that date matches your last re-sync would be better and post the data from that.

You could also set up a account which will post all of the data to the Website, this is really useful for realtime analysis of intermittent issues. You would need to keep the PC running DSLStats on though so it's constantly posting data.

Sorry - don't have a text file like that, the only txt I have is 'EventLog-2015-11-05-10.33.27' and then a load of png's and some ini and dat files...

I've checked to record everything on the configuration tab in the UI so unless there is something else I need to turn on?
19 Apr 2012
Anyone experienced this issue:

Downloading a lot of large files and dslstats said no response from Netgear. I had to reboot the D7000 to get DSLstats working again.
30 Nov 2012
Anyone experienced this issue:

Downloading a lot of large files and dslstats said no response from Netgear. I had to reboot the D7000 to get DSLstats working again.

No nothing like that at all. Only thing I get is DSLTstats hanging due to a divide by zero error or similar. I resolved it by deleting all of the files in data except the ini files. Usually does this about every three weeks.
19 Apr 2012
No nothing like that at all. Only thing I get is DSLTstats hanging due to a divide by zero error or similar. I resolved it by deleting all of the files in data except the ini files. Usually does this about every three weeks.

Hopefully it is just a one off. Will try again tomorrow and see what happens.
30 Nov 2012
Anyone experienced this issue:

Downloading a lot of large files and dslstats said no response from Netgear. I had to reboot the D7000 to get DSLstats working again.

Ok, I suspect the stats file is only saved once a day, so it needs to be running constantly.

Go into DSLStats itself, got to the telnet Data tab, do a select all, copy and paste that, can you also do it for the stats tab too.

Should look like this.

adslctl info --stats
adslctl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Last Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 25270 Kbps, Downstream rate = 73067 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 19999 Kbps, Downstream rate = 71456 Kbps
Bearer: 1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
Link Power State: L0
Mode: VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile: Profile 17a
TPS-TC: PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis: U:ON /D:ON
Line Status: No Defect
Training Status: Showtime
Down Up
SNR (dB): 6.1 15.1
Attn(dB): 14.3 0.0
Pwr(dBm): 12.9 6.4

VDSL2 framing
Bearer 0
MSGc: -6 26
B: 243 237
M: 1 1
T: 0 42
R: 10 16
S: 0.1087 0.3781
L: 18688 5374
D: 8 1
I: 254 127
N: 254 254
Q: 8 0
V: 0 0
RxQueue: 57 0
TxQueue: 19 0
G.INP Framing: 18 0
G.INP lookback: 19 0
RRC bits: 0 24
Bearer 1
MSGc: 154 -6
B: 0 0
M: 2 0
T: 2 0
R: 16 0
S: 6.4000 0.0000
L: 40 0
D: 3 0
I: 32 0
N: 32 0
Q: 0 0
V: 0 0
RxQueue: 0 0
TxQueue: 0 0
G.INP Framing: 0 0
G.INP lookback: 0 0
RRC bits: 0 0

Bearer 0
OHF: 0 3012176
OHFErr: 0 105
RS: 1676214864 1398126
RSCorr: 30702 650
RSUnCorr: 0 0
Bearer 1
OHF: 10144809 0
OHFErr: 0 0
RS: 101447471 0
RSCorr: 143 0
RSUnCorr: 0 0

Retransmit Counters
rtx_tx: 3788555 0
rtx_c: 1633 0
rtx_uc: 0 0

G.INP Counters
LEFTRS: 16 0
minEFTR: 71458 0
errFreeBits: 177616104 0

Bearer 0
HEC: 0 0
OCD: 0 0
LCD: 0 0
Total Cells: 917182657 0
Data Cells: 281562080 0
Drop Cells: 0
Bit Errors: 0 0

Bearer 1
HEC: 0 0
OCD: 0 0
LCD: 0 0
Total Cells: 0 0
Data Cells: 0 0
Drop Cells: 0
Bit Errors: 0 0

ES: 0 74
SES: 0 0
UAS: 26 26
AS: 162951

Bearer 0
INP: 48.00 0.00
INPRein: 0.00 0.00
delay: 0 0
PER: 0.00 3.98
OR: 0.01 64.22
AgR: 71529.59 20063.54

Bearer 1
INP: 4.50 0.00
INPRein: 4.50 0.00
delay: 3 0
PER: 16.06 0.01
OR: 79.68 0.01
AgR: 79.68 0.01

Bitswap: 33861/34748 704/704

Total time = 1 days 21 hours 16 min 17 sec
FEC: 30702 650
CRC: 0 105
ES: 0 74
SES: 0 0
UAS: 26 26
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Retr: 0
Latest 15 minutes time = 1 min 17 sec
FEC: 81 0
CRC: 0 0
ES: 0 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Retr: 0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC: 5 4
CRC: 0 2
ES: 0 2
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Retr: N/A
Latest 1 day time = 21 hours 16 min 17 sec
FEC: 9011 263
CRC: 0 33
ES: 0 27
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Retr: 0
Previous 1 day time = 24 hours 0 sec
FEC: 21691 387
CRC: 0 72
ES: 0 47
SES: 0 0
UAS: 26 26
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Retr: 0
Since Link time = 1 days 21 hours 15 min 49 sec
FEC: 30702 650
CRC: 0 105
ES: 0 74
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Retr: 0
NTR: mipsCntAtNtr=0 ncoCntAtNtr=0

And from the stats tab

Stats recorded 05 Nov 2015 13:50:02

DSLAM/MSAN type: BDCM:0xa459 / v0xa459
Modem/router firmware: AnnexA version - A2pvbH042b.d26b
DSL mode: VDSL2 Profile 17a
Status: Showtime
Resyncs: 0 (since 05 Nov 2015 11:45:46)

Downstream Upstream
Line attenuation (dB): 14.3 0.0
Signal attenuation (dB): Not available on VDSL2
Connection speed (kbps): 71456 19999
SNR margin (dB): 6.1 15.1
Power (dBm): 12.9 6.4
Interleave depth: 8 1
INP: 48.00 0
G.INP: Enabled Not enabled

RSCorr/RS (%): 0.0018 0.0320
RSUnCorr/RS (%): 0.0000 0.0000
ES/hour: 0 1.95
Last edited:
19 Oct 2005
Unless I'm mistaken, my stats look pretty poor. But maybe that will change over the coming weeks.

# xdslctl info --stats
xdslctl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Last Retrain Reason:    0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 15441 Kbps, Downstream rate = 60734 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 15393 Kbps, Downstream rate = 64063 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        4.7             6.1
Attn(dB):        17.8            0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.4            6.8

                        VDSL2 framing
                        Bearer 0
MSGc:           18              14
B:              239             238
M:              1               1
T:              21              14
R:              0               16
S:              0.1192          0.4942
L:              16104           4128
D:              1               1
I:              240             255
N:              240             255

                        Bearer 0
OHF:            89989574                269874
OHFErr:         13206           4
RS:             0               2964680
RSCorr:         0               88
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Bearer 0
HEC:            24602           0
OCD:            167             0
LCD:            167             0
Total Cells:    3719832075              0
Data Cells:     137363851               0
Drop Cells:     277
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             2139            4
SES:            14              0
UAS:            28              28
AS:             169639

                        Bearer 0
INP:            0.00            0.00
INPRein:        0.00            0.00
delay:          0               0
PER:            1.88            6.94
OR:             101.84          23.03
AgR:            64165.35        15415.73

Bitswap:        50296/56196             34/36

Total time = 1 days 23 hours 7 min 47 sec
FEC:            0               88
CRC:            13206           4
ES:             2139            4
SES:            14              0
UAS:            28              28
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Retr:           0
Latest 15 minutes time = 7 min 47 sec
FEC:            0               0
CRC:            10              0
ES:             6               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Retr:           0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:            0               0
CRC:            16              0
ES:             11              0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Retr:           N/A
Latest 1 day time = 23 hours 7 min 47 sec
FEC:            0               33
CRC:            6534            3
ES:             1058            3
SES:            8               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Retr:           0
Previous 1 day time = 24 hours 0 sec
FEC:            0               55
CRC:            6672            1
ES:             1081            1
SES:            6               0
UAS:            28              28
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Retr:           0
Since Link time = 1 days 23 hours 7 min 19 sec
FEC:            0               88
CRC:            13206           4
ES:             2139            4
SES:            14              0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Retr:           0
NTR: mipsCntAtNtr=0 ncoCntAtNtr=0
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