Silkroad Online.
They sell items which increase the base stats and damage of your character for $75 per month. You can have pets that pick up items and gold for you. They cost around $50 initially and then $15 per month. If they die you need to pay to revive them.
They also sell costume items which increase your stats and has a chance to cause your attacks to bypass all defensives meaning that you could one-shot another player if it procs.
Also they sell scrolls which increase your damage done by 20% and reduce your damage taken by 20% for 1 hour. Those will set you back around $50 for 10 scrolls.
Furthermore, to do ANY enchant you need to buy a stone from their item mall which will set you back $20-50 each, depending on the grade and the enchant is still not guaranteed. You need the stone because trying to do an enchant without the stone has a chance to destroy the item and the enchant. The stone only guarantees that the item will not be destroyed.
If that wasn't enough, they also sell "Magic Pop" cards at $10 each, which is basically a lottery ticket. You take it to an NPC in the game and select the item you wish to receive. It includes the absolute best gear in the game. The chance of winning is fairly low but people have put thousands into it and are walking around with the best of the best items. I did the same. I spent hundreds on it and got one of the best weapons in the game without doing anything other than pulling out my credit card.
Edit: I almost forgot - Devil Spirit costume, which increases your total health and mana by 25% and also has an on-use effect which increases your damage by 100% for 2 minutes and will set you back $100 plus a $15 per month charge.
THAT is pay to win, Neverwinter is not.
I speak from experience. I played SRO for 4 years and sunk around £4000 into the game. Until you have actually played and experienced a true P2W game, you cannot appreciate how well the system in Neverwinter is implemented.
The only thing you're paying for in Neverwinter is time. Everything that you can get from putting money into the game is something you can get just from playing the game. Of course you get it at a far slower rate but you get it nonetheless. You do not need to put a penny into Neverwinter to get the full game and the content that a paying player would get.