
Double rough astral diamonds this weekend.

I've just started playing this and reached lvl 10 last night and now have to choose which profession to go for. I had a quick read through the wiki but it seemed vague to me. Anyway, as a guardian which should I go for first? Leadership or Platesmithing? How effective is leadership in getting astral diamonds? Would I be wasting my time concentrating on leadership?
Been playing this myself for a little while and I'm enjoying it. I like that the combat actually feels like there's a lot of impact rather that just big flashy effects and numbers.
Whats it like for folk in the eu? Have read its a bit of a pain due to lag etc?
Game looks fun if a bit bland looking but its free so I want to try it.
Roughly how big is the download?
Whats it like for folk in the eu? Have read its a bit of a pain due to lag etc?
Game looks fun if a bit bland looking but its free so I want to try it.
Roughly how big is the download?

No problems here at all, little tiny bit of delay but it's not very noticeable.

I'm enjoying it a lot for a F2P game.
Almost finished my first proper foundry story which I've been working on for a few days. Having loads of fun with it at the moment. I'd like to see more features in it though so we can create even more elaborate quests and stories.
Might check this out if it's casual-gamer friendly guys.

Do OCUK have a guild/clan in it (assuming such a thing exists) ?

Yeah I think it is, but then everyone views thing like this slightly different, I don't have the time I used to have to put into gaming so I dip in a few hours a week.
Really got into this - I can absolutely see why peoples mileage would vary depending on what they want and expect from an MMO. Its very much about dungeons and tight manic combat which might turn some off.

Ive been impressed that there's so many of those mini dungeons leveling up and they all have their own unique feel. Been levelling my main in a fixed group with friends which does make those a bit easy but the skirmishes and dungeons have been great so far.

We hit 30 yesterday and did Mad Dragons Lair, that final fight was beyond epic took us bloody ages to kill it but damn was that fun!
gonna give this a try, never mmorpg'd before, seeing as it's free no harm in trying it out.

question though, direct download or torrent download? direct download seems freakishly slow
I set both going at the same time to see which one would win. Direct download started off slowly but the speed picked up after a little while and completed when the torrent was still around 10%
Been trying to pick a class for a week. I am not worried about being a one man army, just want to pick something that holds its own in pve and pvp.

I keep thinking about the GF but just cant make up my mind.

Advice appreciated.

In the past I have played most types of class, apart from rogue.
If youre wanting something that is good in PvE and PvP dont go GF - not wanted in most higher end PvE dungeons. To be honest, any class apart from GF is wanted in both.

TR's are high single target dps, GWF's are AOE dmg (and stunlock in PvP) CW is aoe and control, and clerics are your healers.
If youre wanting something that is good in PvE and PvP dont go GF - not wanted in most higher end PvE dungeons. To be honest, any class apart from GF is wanted in both.

TR's are high single target dps, GWF's are AOE dmg (and stunlock in PvP) CW is aoe and control, and clerics are your healers.

That'll change in time to be honest, you think they will have it so one class isn't wanted? They all hold their own in PVE/PVP just some more than others, just choose what you want and stick with it and you'll enjoy it.
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