Just didn't like the files of the 7d, the 5dmk1's files just looked sharper and crisper with good micro-contrast. The 7d by comparison had a muddy smudged digital/noisy quality, at least with fine details at high magnification. Web size images wouldn't be an issue, but then what is the point of 18mp or getting a crop camera for it's reach?
Just compare the nex7 files to the 7d, there is no comparison. For stills at least, Canon didn't even need to use an AA filter, if they had released a 7DE, that would have made for a killer wildlife camera etc...
To be fair the 7D sensor is pretty ancient in comparison to the NEX7's, and of course it looks muddier than a 12MP full frame camera. Even today crop sensors can't perform at the same level as the original 5D in most respects.