well for instance what other choices do i have in the canon crop that will offer a massive improvement over my 400d?
the 7d gets slated by many here and it gets bad results if your exposure is wrong. Not to mention the AA filter applied which is not good on it is another big factor.
i am NOT going to upgrade my rebel for umm another rebel. no way for a number of reasons
1. i hate the rebel size bodies, they are tiny. i had to buy a grip for mine to make it usabl
2. the control layouts are **** compared to a xx/xd bodies.
3. build quality is like a toy camera.
4. rebels dont offer much IQ performance, however mayeb teh 650d will finaly do(took what? 4-5 years to achieve noticable difference?)
So even if i was a crop fan. not many choices for canon users .
Also. where have i said FFmakes AF better? i said that the 5d3 offers a AF system thats better then d800 yet you continue to **** off canon as a whole.
And their's me thinking "An Exception" was the canon hater here